Here are the [profile pics]( I selected, in order, based on feedback from my last post. I can have 10 pics in the main profile, and I’m including 2 more in the text portion.

I’d like to get feedback on my [profile text]( if possible!

Should I mention specific shows/games/sports in the “I’m really good at” section? I don’t really want to bloat the profile, and while it would be cool if someone knows the specific ones I’m interested in, that’s only a tiny bonus for me.


*Explanation of the pics for those curious… (Thanks to everyone who helped with choosing pics on my last post! :D)*

I included some not universally liked ones (Ex4+5, Goofy1+2, #1). I think these are still accurate pics of me, and I doubt I consistently look as good as my best pictures, so it should facilitate more accurate expectations.

I’ll probably try to get a different w/friends pic eventually.


*(And if anyone knows of an app where it easy to filter out based on* ***pet*** *(and kid)* *status, please let me know! 😅)*

  1. I think having “short term” on your profile is going to result in a lot of likes from men (which of course it appears something more friendly and casual is what you’re after). It doesn’t really give a sense of what kind of guy you’re looking for though, given this you’re probably gonna end up doing a tonne of filtering when you go live and start getting likes!

  2. Your profile looks fine, I would put allergic to cats etc… at the end of the paragraph.

    I think you only need to wait for the right person to see your profile, maybe user a more common app.

    Surely your profile has many “NOs” that go against what your closer demographic looks for, so you need to be exposed to more people to find the one that have the same taste and life goals.

  3. What a cutie.

    And no offense to your bangs, but the photos where your hair is back and forehead shows are a game changer.

    So no major critiques for the text
 Coming from a masculine dude, though, I would suggest taking out the “competitive“ references. I’m of the opinion that the last thing a masculine man wants to think about after competing out in the world and slaying at work all day is coming home and contending with the lady in his life.

    Not that she isn’t permitted to be a competitive human
 But that aspect of her is just not a selling point in the specific context of dating; and she might do well to engage her competitive spirit in various relationships other than her romantic one. đŸ‘ŒđŸŸ

  4. Your not super pretty but you aren’t ugly. What that means is you have to be very selective on what you use on your profile.

    Photo 1 bad overall photo but good to show a natural smile. The lighting is bad here. Goofy 1 and 2 can make or break if someone wants to meet up with you. The angles here aren’t exactly flattering for your facial structure.

    Onto the text

    If you don’t want kids put it please. Makes us childfree people easier to filter. Also when you talk about financial freedom, it automatically makes me think you are struggling in debt. Avoid money talk on profiles.

    Saying you want to meet people and have experiences is fine, however if a relationship happens then it happens works, but then again the way you have it worded is you want to just have flings. If that’s what you want, power to you, that’s how it’s perceived.

    Good luck

  5. *Person who said you looked like a Casper David Friedrich painting here.*

    I’d remove “frugal” and “financial freedom” – those are more negative versions of “minimalist lifestyle” and cover similar territory. “Minimalist lifestyle” is, IMO, the more like the thing you want to match on, after all.

    Also, I read, “I want abs” as you want to have abs on your body. I like that, its a funny way to say you want to better your own health. But I wonder, do you mean you want your match to have abs? Maybe say, “I want to have abs again” or something, idk. Maybe its fine, though.

    Maybe add a genre to “bingeing a tv series” – it will be a better hook for something to talk about. Especially if you like fantasy, sci fi, reality, comedy, or other genres that are more specific.

    One confusion I have is some aspects of your pictures/bio read as if you are looking for something serious: picture by a fireplace, mention 9 day road trip, picture on an abandoned foggy beach all seem to me to be things you would do with someone you really trust, not a super casual relationship. But then you say, “nothing serious”. For me, I would leave, “not looking to be exclusive”, but remove “nothing serious”. I think that would capture the balance you seem to be seeking.

  6. 1-5 is good, the rest aren’t very “flattering” imo. I like the soccer shot as a nice last photo. Just because you have 10 slots doesn’t mean they need to be filled

  7. Honestly I think you’re overthinking this a bit. You’re a cute woman with nerdy interests who is relatively fit and is looking for causal dating. You’ll have your pick of men to date. Women like you are rare, and there are tons of men looking for what you have to offer. Like seriously you’ll be dating on easy mode.

    Just get on one of the most used apps in your area and you’ll have plenty of dates within days.

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