I briefly dated a girl in the past – she was beautiful, accomplished and we were both nerds (Warcraft, hearthstone, anime etc)

The issue may have been height difference – I am 6ft2, she is 5ft1. There were issues with her keeping up with me when walking, and sex was an awkward fumble.

  1. I actually have the exact same height difference with my wife. She walks incredibly fast for some reason so I think I lucked out there, but for some positions you need either 2 million pillows or a table/counter. Those big wedge things you can buy were a godsend, but they’re a little expensive. Aside from that, I’ve just accepted my back will be destroyed from bending over for kisses all the time, no fixing that.

  2. I just find positions that work and walk slower, I like looking around at things and frankly zig zagging from thing to thing. Or I just make sure I am not going to far off and look back to see where she is at. Though the height difference isn’t as severe.

  3. I’m 6 foot and my wife of 11 years is only 5’2. I learned to just match her pace while walking, unless we are in a rush then I pull her along with me, and sex comes with just trial and error on what works best. Not all that complicated though. I mostly recommend if it is a long term thing build a bed frame that is the perfect height for sexy time

  4. Over time, my pace has actually followed hers, so it is no longer awkward and we use comfortable sex positions for both of us, it’s not that difficult.

  5. You guys might have been over thinking it. I had a gf who was 4’9 and I’m 6’2 as well. I would just walk a bit slower with her and in terms of sex I don’t think there ever was a problem except that some positions hurt her. Could never do doggy but everything else worked as long as I wasn’t jackhammering her. She was also easy to pick up so sex was interesting

  6. 6’3, partner is 5’3, my neck hurts more often from looking down to kiss/speak to her, but outside of that the pacing and stuff is okay. You get used to the intimacy over time, and it becomes less of an issue. If you’re a lot stronger also allows for some playfulness that would be a lot harder with taller people

  7. My wife is 5ft. I’m 6’2″. Before we had kids I just held her hand and pulled her through as far as walking goes. Sex is just like every other partner. You figure out what works best and do that.

  8. Put her on wooden stilts in a trench coat.

    Now I can bear the embarassment of being out in public with such a minuscule excuse of a woman.

  9. I LOVE a big height difference.

    For everything in the bedroom that you can’t do (missionary while kissing, who gives af), there are a bunch of positions that are made better.

    Plus they’re tiny, I love that I can pick them up and toss them around the bed.

    Walking speed is whatever, I just walk at her pace. I don’t care

  10. 6’5 with someone who is 5’4. Prior to that I’ve dated anywhere from 5’0 to 5’9. It’s virtually a non issue. I’ve always adjusted my walking speed based on who I’m with, but I find it’s very rarely related to height, as both my current partner and the shortest girl I’ve ever dated could both keep up unless I was speed walking.

    Sex was always a non-issue too. All the standard positions work fine, really anything I’ve tried works fine other than standing up. I really don’t see why height would play into it unless you’re trying to recreate the Kama Sutra in its entirety.

    Certain things are awkward, holding hands while walking means I have to lean over slightly one way, kissing while standing, taking pictures together. Otherwise… Yeah… It’s fine?

  11. I’m 6’2″ and my last gf was 5’2″. I much prefer smaller women. I was very motivated to make it work! She felt protected and I loved her size.

  12. I am 6’7″. Never had issues fucking short girls. Most girls I dated liked being carried around during sex, or pinned to a wall.

    But most women I dated were much shorter than me. My wife is 5’11”, and is much shorter than me. I guess it was just…. normal? My shortest gf was like 5’4″. We got it on just fine.

  13. I’m 6’1” wife is 5’2”. She occasionally yells “wait for me I have little legs!”

    Other than that, she’s a good time.

  14. I have no problem with it. I’m 5’10” and my current girlfriend is 0’0″. Basically I don’t have a girlfriend

  15. >There were issues with her keeping up with me when walking

    Wtf just slow down and wait 😂😂

  16. I’m 6’1″, she’s 5’2″

    It’s never been an issue. If anything, it’s a strength in a partnership. She’s a fast walker. Snuggling is top tier because she can use me as a bed.

    I can grab all the tall things, she can squeeze into small spaces. She can use my arm as a pillow on plane rides.

    Never ever been an issue.

  17. Get a shoulder harness with a handle, for easier picking up.

    If she has long hair, it can be braided into a handle, as well.

    Put large swaths of prickly Velcro on the walls and other convenient surfaces and have her wear fuzzy clothing for easy wall mounting.

    The “Yoda-style” backpack-mount may work as well.

    In the house, set up mini trampolines in strategic places.

  18. I am 6’3″ and my wife is 5’3″. Height difference has been an inconvenience only when we want to take selfies. That’s about it. Sex is great and never awkward. Walking together, holding hands etc is never awkward. You adjust according to each other’s bodies. When you really love somebody these things don’t matter much.

  19. It’s the opposite for me. I’m 5’0” tall as a guy. My last girlfriend was the tallest I’ve dated, about 5’9”. She wore platforms all the time that added a few inches, so she was 6’0” every time we went out. Everything worked, we didn’t have issues at all when it came to height. I did have to look up to kiss her, but that wasn’t a problem in our relationship.

  20. I’ve never had real problems. But, I’m very tall and have never dated anybody even remotely close to my height, so maybe I’ll never have a comparison to make. I’m significantly taller than op.

    The only size related challenges have been my partner needing to learn that you have to cater to the largest body in the house when arranging things, and for me, I have to make a conscious effort to know their position in space when they’re near me. A clumsy arm swing can catch your loved ones if they’re walking right next to you. I just need to be gentle all the time. 🙂

    Anybody limiting their relationship prospects based on height are out of their mind, imo. People have infinitely more to offer than their physical aspects.

  21. This is such a weird post it seems fake. Explain exactly your heights affected sex? It’s reminding me of that scene from 40 year old virgin when he mentions the bag of sand. You’re aware there are other positions other than doggy yeah? And you can just bend your knees. And the walking thing!? You walk…..slower…..

  22. I’m 6’2” and my wife is 5’3” with a long torso and short legs.

    In the beginning of our relationship, her keeping up to me was a little bit of an issue, my one step was equivalent to two and half maybe 3 of hers, but that kind of just worked itself out over time by holding hands, I slowed down a little and she picked up the pace, and eventually a rhythm just naturally formed, 14 years later and she just instinctively speed walks everywhere. Never had an issue with anything else though, she’s always been light and flexible which accommodates most activities

  23. Dude, seriously?

    I’m 6’1″ and I’ve been in long-term relationship (3-15 years) with women who were 4’9″, 5’1″ and 5’1″ (and taller as well). It’s not that big a deal.

    If I were to guess based on what you’ve said, you’re a little too into yourself. When I’m into someone, I’m into *them* which means I’m aware of them pretty much all the time when we’re out. They pretty much set the pace because I naturally walk faster than them. Generally, I’m holding her hand. Possibly having a conversation. That’s just the normal flow of being with someone you like.

    As for the sex? If it was an awkward fumble, that’s on you bro. I get that there’s some awkwardness the first time or so but that’s easily overcome by familiarity, trust and (here again) *paying attention to your partner*. Did their height affect it? Not at all. Two of the women I had mind-blowing sex with were both 4’9″ and 5’1″ but the best was 5’9″. My point is that it’s not because I have a “type” and the quality of our lovemaking had nothing to do with their height.

    TL;DR look in a mirror

  24. > There were issues with her keeping up with me when walking,

    That’s why holding hands was invented.

    > and sex was an awkward fumble.

    We found that height differences don’t matter so much when you’re horizontal, especially when she’s on top.

  25. Cmon man if you wanted to tell everyone you are 6’2 and have sex you couldn’t just said it. This is not a real life issue.

  26. I’m 6,4 she is 5,2 never had a problem, relationships are compromises, if you can’t even slow down your pace for her it’s time to rethink how you approach relationship, as hard as slowing down may seem it’s much easier tan many other things you’ll have to compromise on. (i know, maybe I’m overdramatic, but it’s easily the funniest problem I’ve ever heard in a relationship)

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