Assume you’re in a relationship and your partner has a few friends that they met off of dating apps. Do you think it should be a deal breaker? Fine with some caveats? Something else?

  1. Do you mean people who go on dating apps specifically seeking friendships? I think some apps have a feature for that. I think it’s a little odd but if it works for people, then why not? People find friends in all different places

  2. Nothing wrong with it. These people saw that they had no future together but still enjoy hanging out as friends. Making friends these days is a daunting task, so who am I to tell them not to hang out anymore?

  3. That happened to me. The first guy I met on a dating app, we had fun for a while. But just decided that friends would be better. It’s working out great for us. I’m blessed to have him as a friend.

  4. my boyfriend and i were actually introduced by a guy i’d met on tinder. went on a few dates with him, decided it wouldn’t go anywhere and we stayed friends. about a year later, he introduced me to his then roommate who’s my boyfriend nowadays.

    tinderboy/ex-roomie ist still a good friend of ours.

  5. I have a few friends who I originally met on dating apps. We didn’t have romantic and/or sexual chemistry, it turned out, and were better off as friends.

    I don’t see why it would bother me if this were the case for a partner of mine too. If you don’t trust your partner to not cheat, that’s gonna be an issue regardless of the circumstances, and that lack of trust is the real problem that needs to be addressed.

  6. As long as they met before we started going out, that’s fine. My boyfriend has friends that he’s slept with and he’s friends with his ex and it’s all good – if he didn’t want to be with me he could walk out any time.

  7. I dont think its a dealbreaker for everyone , but just think about whether for you personally its something you can be comfortable with.
    My boyfriend and I have had a lot of fights because at the beginning, I told him I knew I wouldnt be comfortable with having a serious relationship with someone who still had a friendship with an ex sexual partner. Unfortunately he lied about having previously slept with 2 of his female friends in uni.
    Theres nothing wrong with this. I just personally know my own mind and that it wasnt a healthy situation for me personally to be in.

  8. I met my best friend off of a dating app and two other friends through dating apps. It would be really weird of me to hold a partner to a different standard than I hold myself for… what reason? Like if they seem suspicious then go with that, but don’t go with the mere fact they have friends from dating apps. Like, you have to do what’s comfortable for you, too. Just ’cause I’m comfortable with it, for example, doesn’t mean you have to be!

  9. Imo its a non issue. I trust my partner to not cheat. If the other person was explicitly hitting on them or making it weird, or if my partner did cheat then id be mad.

    But just being friends with people is not an issue for me

  10. I have several friends I met on dating apps. They’re great people, but we just don’t connect like *that.* No need to yeet them from my life because of how we met.

  11. I think it depends on how far things went before the friendship. I am friends with a couple of guys I met via dating apps. We were never intimate and just worked better as friends from the moment we met.

    I don’t know how I would deal with it if they had been a fwb. I don’t think my partner would feel comfortable and I know i wouldn’t if it was roles reversed.
    It’s not an issue of trusting my partner, it would be more looking at that person knowing he was doing to her what he does with me now.

  12. Totally okay. He’s also friends with women he had sex with and it’s no problem.

  13. I’d understand because I actually have genuine guys that I never kissed or held hands with where we went on one or two dates but just chose to be friendly with one another.

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