What’s happened to the availability of work shirts from Supermarkets?

I used to be able to get a varied range of reasonable quality shirts from Sainsbury’s and Tescos. However for the past year, they only seem to sell either, white, black or navy shirts.

In years gone by they had a good range of different designs and colours, however these seem to have disappeared.

What happened?

  1. They obviously weren’t selling due to people needing them less – all down to home working and the pandemic.

    I’d be willing to bet the amount of hoodies and joggers has gone up by the same ratio.

  2. I can’t answer your question, but can recommend Matalan for decent quality shirts at a good price.

  3. I feel your pain. I loved Tesco for work shirts – great quality for a good price. Now, virtually nothing.

  4. They weren’t ever any good, unless you like polycotton. Go to M&S, or get off Ebay. I’m currently wearing a Savile Row shirt (Richard James) with mother-of-pearl buttons, which I got for less than about fiver off eBay. Saves planet and wallet.

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