16M here. I saw that it was my crush’s birthday on her Instagram story. I want to wish her a happy birthday but I don’t her well and she doesn’t know me well (we interacted during projects only) and I had a few classes with her last semester but not this semester so would it be weird to wish her a happy birthday and then attempt to start a conversation with her?

  1. I mean not necessarily. I assume you mean you don’t know her well. But she posted something ab it. So I’d say go for it.

  2. Nah man, it’s not weird. “Happy bday!” .. “thank you!”…”have any big plans for the day?”

    Nothing weird about that at all it’s cordial. Just don’t force anything, if it feels that way let it go.

  3. If she posted about her and you follow each other, then no, it’s normal and honestly the nice thing to do

  4. No it’s not creepy to wish her happy bday. Unless she explicitly opens the door for a conversation, it would be creepy to try and start one inorganically. “Thanks!” is not a conversation opener.

    Edit: Clarity

  5. Not creepy, everyone likes happy birthday wishes! (As long as you don’t make it creepy).

    Just saying “Hey, saw that it’s your birthday, I hope you enjoy your day” or just “Happy birthday!” should be fine

  6. Following someone on instagram is normal, finding out it’s their birthday on a public post is normal, wishing them a happy birthday is normal.

    When they ask “how did you know”, say “I happened to see it on your insta”. From there you have a conversation starter “any big plans?”

  7. Hello there,

    If you have a crush on her, go for it. The worst it can happen is she doesn’t respond, right?
    You have nothing to loose. Take the risk.

  8. Not weird at all!! Especially if u swipe up on her bday story and congratulate her that way 🙂

  9. OP be slick with it and you could

    A: Try to start a convo after you wished her a Happy Birthday.

    B: Start a convo asking about what she did for her Bday tomorrow (after she has received all of her messages/ plans for that day.) It’ll give you guys something to talk about and if your rapport with her is at least neutral, it would be grounds for building familiarity.

    Good luck tho😁.

  10. It’s not creepy but don’t expect it to lead into a conversation with

  11. I think it’s not creepy as long as it’s a public message and she posted something about her birthday

  12. I messaged my crush who I didn’t know very well “happy Birthday 🎉 “
    Now, 6 years later, We have an apartment and 2 cats together (I was 16 at the time too) ❤️ I recommend you just take a chance, the worst that could happen is she doesn’t respond ✌️

  13. Nah, don’t force conversation but a “happy birthday “ and asking if she has any plans for it would be totally normal.

  14. Not weird at all if she is announcing it’s her bday (via social media in this case). It would be weird if you said it and she didn’t tell you or announce it.

  15. Not weird! I get happy birthday messages from people I never talk to as well sometimes.

  16. Play it cool. Despite what they say, girls don’t like it when a guy tries too hard. This is why they tend to end up with jerks, because they don’t act like they care too much. Yes I know it’s twisted.

    If you like her, you also can’t just keep obsessing over her on IG. Now that would be creepy.

    If you already follow each-other then this makes it easier. If not, then really gotta be smooth about it.
    If you already follow each-other, Go ahead and say “Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day!”. If she replies, doesn’t mean she is in love with you but at least she acknowledges you.

    If you don’t follow each-other then maybe wait a couple days after her B-day to follow her officially to not be too obvious and message her something like “Hey (name), IG recommended you as someone I might know, we had (class together). Notice you posted it was your Bday a couple days ago. Happy late birthday! Hope you’re doing good”. Some might say this is a lot but it’s super weird when I get a follow and nothing is said. Good luck!

  17. Not creepy at all it’s probably one of the few situations you can just randomly hit someone you like up without it seeming random to them. Once she responds thanks just ask some questions like what shes doing for it, favorite memories from a birthday growing up, if shes having a party etc. hopefully she invites you to said party and then just go from there. But if her responses are all boring, dismissive, one word replies then just don’t force anything. GL !

  18. Wish her happy birthday haha, you guys have interacted before so shouldn’t be an issue imo.

    Try to make it interesting, like
    “Happy birthday, have a wonderful day! Ik we don’t know each other that well since we’ve only interacted during the group project, but best wishes from my side!🤟”

    Something like that is what I would say. Make your own choice.

    All the best!

  19. No?? Everyone wishes everyone a happy birthday. You’re overthinking things.

  20. Do you follow her? Then it is cool.

    If you are NOT following her, don’t do it!

  21. I wish everyone on my Facebook happy birthday when Facebook tells me it’s their birthday it’s not creepy it’s nice.

  22. Only if you say “Hope you have a fun birthday, almost as much fun as I have watching you sleep!”

  23. Dude. Ask her out. Either she says yes, or no.
    Yes, you go on a date. Great
    No, usually that ends a crush

    Win win.

    Go for it. I believe in you

  24. This is the type of posts I want to see on Relationship Advice. Some people here need to go to marriage counseling and not Reddit

  25. “Hey! Saw it’s your birthday on insta! Let’s go for a drink (whatever the 16 y/o version of that is anyway….) Loved working on those projects last semester would love to catch up!”

    Just be honest. You aren’t looking for a date… yet. You’re looking for an opportunity … strike the iron while it’s hot!

  26. not creepy! but don’t try too hard to force conversation after. I would likely advise that, assuming she replies, if you continue then just say something like “you doing anything nice for it?” and stick to the topic of birthday stuff, starting a new topic might come across forced, even if it seems like general small talk, I would best keep it on topic of birthday.

    hope it goes well for you! if nothing really comes of it, don’t let it get you down. there’s other opportunities to get to know her better, or even if no romantic venture ensues, don’t take it to heart too much, just being friends is still pretty great. [just saying this as a general point as sometimes boys, especially more inexperienced teenagers, can take a crush a bit too far and feel entitled to girls they like. I don’t think it really applies too much to you here, as you’re specifically asking to be respectful of her, but just saying it so it’s said :] ]

    but again moving on from the slightly negative point, this doesn’t come across creepy at all, just make sure you’re light with it! good luck and again hope things go well! :]

  27. You: Happy Birthday!

    Her: Thank you! 🙂
    (Open 6 minutes later)

    You: For sure! Extra points for surviving XYZ class! Hope this semester is going well.

    That leaves a door that could be opened or closed, good luck! Please update!

  28. You can always say “I saw it was your birthday. Happy birthday” and then use it to start a conversation.

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