driving, studying, what is it ? for me it is riding bikes,

  1. Being stuck behind slow people on the road, especially when they’re driving like, way below the speed limit. Ever been on a country road where the limit is 55 and you’re stuck behind someone doing 45? And you can’t pass because there’s just enough cars coming the other way spaced just far enough apart that you can’t risk the attempt. Sigh…

  2. Bad crazy? When you’re in a huge line to get on the freeway and some dickhead cuts in last second. Try doing that shit to me, you ain’t getting in. Laws be damned

  3. The feeling I’m wasting my life and can’t change it. I just sort of, accepted having no real fun for over 10 years now, thinking one day once I got success I could do something, I’ve reached that point, but it just feels like I can’t do anything.

  4. When I take apart a piece of equipment at work to fix it, and the only way I can explain why it broke is because it was designed to break. If I’m securing this stuff better than the engineers designing it, that’s not only sad it’s fucking maddening

  5. The less than 30second attention span of everyone nowadays, people can’t remember anything from the last 3 years, not to mention the last 30…

  6. Cry bullies. While I might not be the best sort of person, it’s frustrating dealing with people who like to dish it out but scream bigotry/sexism when confronted. Just the idea that someone might actually be unbiased or whatever and all that’s needed is the same stuff that they are looking for. It doesn’t help that people don’t want to listen when you talk about stuff like this. It’s just such a catch 22.

    Fandoms, they feel like entry level dead end jobs. So many people in them seem spiteful of anyone who has aspirations outside the norm or other things like that. Plus people are so black and white about certain things. Because most people join fandoms with a premade group of friends, anyone who doesn’t must be a prick. Then you got the people who are overly emotionally attached and do things like getting upset about someone else who doesn’t share their opinions exactly.

  7. Letting your kids use their tablets with sound on in restaurants. Everyone hates you.

    Fuck you, you’re a bad parent, and your kid is gonna turn into a spoiled asshole.

  8. People who turn left on a green light at 1km/h and people who speed up so you can’t merge.

  9. walking through any kind of crowded places, I swear people are sometimes like headless chickens

  10. Crazy in a good way: Being alone, swimming in the ocean, mathematics (especially pure mathematics), programming, and drawing

    Crazy in a bad way: Social events, parties, get-togethers, meetings, classrooms (thank god it’s over), television, pubs, restaurants, and movie theatres.

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