Hi. This is my first time using Reddit so I’m not sure how to write this. I have a friend, who I recently met late last year. They are very kind, generous, understanding, and funny. They also like almost the EXACT same things as I do, especially music. All we ever do is talk about music. Recently they invited me to a concert, and I went, and it was very fun. That was the last time I saw them. They told me that their favorite band (which is a band I also REALLY like) was going on tour, which will probably be their last. The closest venue their playing at is 10 hours away, and my friend said that they bought tickets and is going. I kinda remember them asking me if I was going to go, and I said there was no way I could go. But, now that I’m thinking about it, I really want to go, and it’s possible to go. But, I don’t want to just say “by the way, I’m also going to the concert 10 hours away.” Because I don’t know if they want to go with me, and I don’t want to just invite myself, especially since it’s so far away. I want to text them about It, but I don’t know how to word it. I want to ask them if their okay with me going, in a kind way. They are a very dry texter, last time I texted them, they only replied with the thumbs up reaction, not even texting back.
I don’t know if I’m just crazy or thinking about this too hard, but I have social anxiety and always over think situations too hard. Please help me come up with a text

1 comment
  1. >I want to ask them if their okay with me going,

    Why do you need to get permission to go to a concert? I understand asking them if you can join them in the concert. You can go to a concert without hanging out with someone who is also going to a concert.

    You could write something like “hey, situation changed and i now have the means to go to it. Wanna go together?”.

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