What’s your favorite content genre (horror, sci-fi, rom-com, etc.)?

  1. for books, i don’t really read any genre fiction, so i guess slice of life or general fiction?

    for movies or television shows, romantic comedies or comedies in general. once in a while a mystery might be fun.

    *hard pass* to sci fi, fantasy, horror, action, etc.

  2. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, thriller, drama, rom com. I like almost everything. As long as the cast is decent I’m willing to give everything a shot. 🙂

  3. Three way tie between sci fi, fantasy, and horror. Love me that escapism.

  4. Horror! My dad and I bonded over it when I was younger so it always feels like home to me in a sick and twisted way.

  5. Subject to change at a whim! Also depends on the medium.

    Books? Fantasy. That has never changed, and I doubt it ever will.

    Television? Anything with strong interpersonal relationships and a fuckload of drama. I’m not sure what the specific genre would be called. But Supernatural, Grey’s Anatomy, Reign, Firefly Lane all fall into this category for me.

    Movies? Animated! Disney princess movies (Belle, and forward, not before), Hotel Transylvania, Anastasia, Fern Gully, Ghibli movies.

    Video games? Dungeon crawlers and JRPGs have equal places in my heart.

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