My partner and I recently have recently started dating. Of course in one of our conversations we spoke on specific things we find attractive during sex.

Within that convo she was stated how she was interested in certain kinks. Typical bdsm stuff (getting cuffed, tied up etc) but she also mentioned how she has a cnc kink. I love her dearly and I am willing to incorporate that kink into our sex lives if it makes her happy, but I just have a lot of questions and need clarity on it.

I have never really gone that far into bdsm/kink stuff or anything involving cnc. The most I know is surface level, I am not aware of how that works. I guess I just need some better education and help on the subject in order to engage with her kink in manner that is healthy and fun for her and not scary.

I want her to feel safe and secure and I am scared that with a kink like this lines can easily get blurred. Any and all advice would be appreciated!

  1. Communicate, communicate, COMMUNICATE! Have a safe word or non verbal signal. Set boundaries you are both fully comfortable with. Discuss/plan out a scene, or at least talk about how you want things to go before actually engaging. Maybe start off with “forced” oral first, just so you can see if it’s something you can handle. It can be a lot of fun, but it does take total trust, and a certain comfort level.

  2. Don’t do like that TIFU post recently and jump in head first.

    Ease it in nice and slow so you only brush or bump limits for both of you instead of blow past them without enough brakes to stop.

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