I’m 22 and all my life lived in kind of hermetically environment and I didn’t develop any female friends and skills to talk with them (I’m kinda isolated loner about man it’s little common but I got two friends) or I almost 99% of time didn’t interact with women. Now i have to go on practice on study and I will work almost with only girls in team . I feel really stressed and anxious. Any advice how to start with that? Or is it to deep water and should I refuse that offer? Idk what to and noone from family take me seriously about it. That’s not place for life advice so sorry for that . But if you can lend me advice I will be thankful 🙏

  1. They’re just as afraid of you as you are of them.

    Give them enough space to be comfortable while showing a balance of kindness and a little vulnerability.

  2. Do you work w any women? That’s honestly a good way to practice appropriately of course. Engage the women you work w professionally and work w them and my feeling is you’ll gain the social skills to approach and deal w women.

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