i’ll try and keep this relatively short!

i am a 21 year old woman and the guy i’m seeing is a 19 year old man.

tomorrow i have a “date” (not explicitly called a date, but it’s the two of us, alone, at night, getting foods/drinks). the guy in question is someone i’ve gone out with 4 times before already and all in all, it’s gone well. for background, i know for a fact he is interested in me through a mutual friend that let me know before we even started going out. i had to be the first to make the move on him and ask him out, though.

here’s the issue: after about a month of doing this, we haven’t even held hands. i get the sense that he is rather clueless or slow to my advances, which in his defense have been sporadic and vague.

i’m thinking of making some sort of move on him tomorrow, to make my intentions clear once and for all since i kind of feel like i’m wasting my time right now. but i’m unsure of what i should do if i must be the one to make the first move.

what can i do that isn’t straight up telling him i’m interested in him, that is rather hard to misinterpret as platonic, but isn’t too forward at the same time?

  1. Thats not as uncommon as you might think with young guys. He sees the signs probably but is just scared out of his mind. He just needs experience

  2. I have a similar problem I would also like the answer to! Haha

    A hand hold seems like a good back up I’ve been told but I have yet to hear of others… I’m genuinely curious

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