You have the power to give men women’s struggles for a week. What are you giving them?

  1. Being at work and having to present or discuss something.

    I don’t think men are aware how much they overlook women or only listen to other men. I’ve read a study about that just yesterday. Most men’s brains react to a male voice stating a fact and don’t when it’s a female voice.

  2. How dark are we getting with this? Sexual assault and death aren’t something I’d wish on someone, but it sure would be nice for those in power to have compassion about that.

  3. trying to be taken seriously in a male team at work. walking home at night with a complete stranger following them. wanting to curl up in a ball crying on the floor because of awful relentless cramps but having to give a presentation at work and the heaps of painkillers aren’t working. having a person they thought was a friend come on to them sexually and screaming at them for not being into it. being judged on their appearance by complete strangers 24/7. posting a selfie online and the messages and pictures that come with it. the rape and death threats you get for being vocal about your rights. going to a mechanic for something minor and them trying to either upsell them for unnecessary shit or immediately ask to talk to their spouse instead.

    it’s neverending.

  4. Are we limited on the amount? I’d say they should experience cat calling and periods

  5. Being at a FPS game lobby. And Ohohoo you can finally end that goddamn Voicemod subscription since you already sound like a girl now. HAHA that’s so awesome right? These “gentlemen” will give you ALL the skins and other shit you want with totally no intention of making you their “gamer girlfriend” to boost their fake ass ego and “sharing” you among his teammates. You will finally get attention from everyone who don’t cuss at you or make “jokes” about you every 5 seconds. Last but not least, they will most definitely not rage at you if you reject them or beat them. /S

  6. Having to deal with unwanted attention just because they’re out and about. Specifically someone that is persistent and doesn’t handle rejection well just so they’ll maybe understand why saying a simple no isn’t that easy.

  7. Natural childbirth, no drugs. Oh, let’s do it the scientology way, no sound from the mother.

  8. I agree with periods, but let’s not be basic and just make it normal periods. I want them to run the gamut: PCOS, Endometriosis, cysts, clots trying to bust your tubes, ruined underwear, hormones and emotions all over the place, UNLIMITED PMS, crying for absolutely no reason (or better yet, crying because the cramps are too much)…..I mean, if we’re gonna do this, might as well give them the worst of the worst.

    Then on the side let’s add: sexual harassment/assault, inappropriate touching of any kind (hand on the back, etc.), catcalling, man(woman)splaining, unequal pay, being told to smile, no bodily autonomy, and THEY are solely responsible for the kids, and all “woman’s work” would then be deemed “man’s work” while we women brush up on our weaponized incompetence. Did I cover everything?

  9. I’d like my husband to experience a wee bit of PMDD so he can understand what it’s like to have female hormones.

  10. I would love for men to experience something wrong with their body and have a doctor tell him he’s hysterical and/or fat.

  11. Migraines, periods, mood swings, menopause heat, changing stinky diapers, listening kids scream whole night.

  12. The mental load. All the shit/to-do’s I’m constantly thinking of. What’s for dinner tonight, do the kids’ daycare bags contain everything they need (Monday morning), time the laudry (when do we need it, is it hanging outside, it’s not raining is it?) Has it been a week since we changed the bed sheets? When was the last time the bathroom was cleaned? We have to cut daughter’s nails. And son should get his eyes checked. Better look for a snowsuit for this winter too on Marketplace, maybe we can save some money. Should remind husband to cut the lawn, it’s been 4 weeks. When’s the last time we saw his parents? On and on and on. And on.

    I know, there are men who share the load and there are women who don’t worry about a thing in the world. But I think it’s pretty often the woman who’s carrying most of it.

  13. I just want to swap roles with my husband. I want him to pick up our child from daycare daily, even though he was promised one hour at the gym. While I go home to work on my hobby or golfing. I want to watch him struggle with house chores as I sit and complain about how they aren’t done. Then once he is so overwhelmed that he’s at a breaking point I’ll simply say “you could have just asked”.

  14. Being harassed by a complete stranger while waiting for the bus in your neighborhood. Then having to have a man to tell this dude to stop harassing women. And then feeling the shame and disgust of having to resort to this.

  15. How dressing means “you asked for it” experience 😒 the attn cat calling. Periods. And Period shits. Labor

  16. The first trimester of pregnancy, or even just a friendly game of “will I puke” roulette.

  17. The fear we have when we walk anywhere alone at night or are alone in a secluded space (like an elevator) with a group of men. While I don’t want them to have to experience that fear and apprehension, I also feel that if they experienced it, they’d understand why we don’t feel comfortable going places alone.

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