What do you know that you can’t tell anyone?

  1. I know someone who is cheating on their husband and has been for the past nearly 5 years

    She used to be a friend in college but after a while we grew apart, I try and stay waaaaaaaaaay out of it, she posts pictures on her Instagram of the guy she’s cheating with.

  2. I’d tell you, but then you’d have to die and I just don’t have the energy.

  3. In High school, an ex friend of mine told me she was sexually molested by her step father as a child and has so much trauma behind it. She asked me not to tell anyone because no one else really knew except maybe 5 other people in her family. She eventually stabbed me in the back 10 years later and I think a lot of it was due to said trauma. We are no longer friends and It was a big situation in my life because she was my best friend and we have matching tattoos and when I talk to my friends and family about her, despite knowing what she’s been through and how it probably played a role in our fallout, I haven’t told anyone about it because of that promise I made all those years ago.

  4. For some reason people tell me things that they won’t tell anyone else. I’m a locked vault.

  5. Every woman I know has been sexually assaulted. Every. Single. One.

  6. I, not an asexual, have had the biggest squish on someone for almost 10 years. I can’t explain why but I’m sure I love this person truly and platonically. Can’t tell anyone because I’m straight, this person is the opposite sex, and we’re not related at all.

    I haven’t reached out for this person because I know they used to have a crush on me years ago, and it makes me feel werid. From my side, it has always been purely platonic.

    They’re not my sibling or anything like that. But I honestly wish we were related or at least friends. I daydream about us being in the same friends group and hanging out.

    At the same time, I have an s/o whom I also love from all of my heart, but not platonically. And they wouldn’t get it. This world seems too sexualised for me to reveal this info to anyone lol

  7. The location of my dead boyfriends cell phone that would solve a lot of questions.

    If I explained why that would defeat why I can’t tell you

  8. I know I’m a good guy and have a lot to offer, but I’ve been struggling with an addiction to porn and it makes me feel like I’m a terrible person, that no woman could ever love a man as messed up as I am. I recently moved to a new country by myself for my work. And I don’t know how to tell people about it because I feel like they wouldn’t understand; it seems like most people are pro-porn. I also don’t have any close friends here because I’ve been having trouble building close friendships with people here. It’s odd because I’ve never struggled with making friends before until now, I guess it’s just harder as I get older and older.

    I did tell my close friends and family back home, but they’re the only ones who know and now that I’m in a different country it’s not like I can talk to them all the time like I used to (I feel disconnected, isolated, and very lonely ever since I moved). I honestly wonder if I should just not try to date anymore because I’m afraid of hurting women when they find out about my addiction. That, and now intimacy with women kind of terrifies me. I feel like I’m not the best version of myself and that women deserve better than me.

    Most days it feels like the addiction controls me and not the other way around. All of this has fueled my severe depression which I had relatively under control but I’m really struggling again lately. But when I’m at work with my acquaintances, I just pretend I’m happy, confident, and have no problems. This just gets stuffed away, deep down inside me, because who would want to be close friends with the super depressed addict, let alone date him?

    It’s a vicious cycle that I’m caught in. I don’t know if I have the strength to break out of it. If I don’t break out of it, I think I could be okay being alone for the rest of my life, but there’s got to be more to life than that and I don’t want that to be my fate. I want a partner, a good woman who I can love… but I can’t even love myself no matter how hard I try to. I feel so unmanly because I have this problem, and “men are supposed to be strong”, but I don’t feel strong. “Men are supposed to be stoic”; internally I’m not, I just pretend I am for society. “Men are supposed to have their life together”, and from the outside perspective, I do have my life together. I finished my PhD, I moved to a new country, I have a wonderful family and wonderful friends back home. But internally I’m just a mess and I feel like I’m just pretending to have it together but I really don’t.

    Sorry for the rant and if those thoughts were disorganized.

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