What’s one state you would like to visit and why?

  1. Alaska is number one for me. The natural beauty of the State is just unmatched. I also really want to visit the East coast. Such great American history there.

  2. Of the ones I haven’t been to yet, maybe Colorado? Just to go to Denver and the Rocky Mountains.

  3. Alaska is definitely on my to do list. It’s gorgeous. Much of it still wilderness, and there are some species I can’t see in abundance in my region.

  4. I’d like to go to Maine. It looks peaceful and picturesque and I’ve never been. I stopped briefly in NH once and I thought the atmosphere was really cozy.

  5. That I haven’t been to? I’ve always wanted to see the Pacific Northwest, Oregon and Washington.

    Of states I’ve been to and want to visit again, Hawaii.

  6. Tennessee, specifically Nashville.

    The only parts of the south I’ve been are Florida, New Orleans and Atlanta. So Nashville is high on my list.

  7. I have visiting all 50 on my bucket list. I’m still missing about15 of them.

  8. Alaska!

    The pictures look nice, it probably looks better in person.

  9. After watching my friends enjoy gummies around the campfire, an altered state.

  10. New Mexico. I have been to much of the other mountain west states, but not NM. It looks really unique and beautiful, and almost everyone I know who has been there has enjoyed it.

  11. California. It’s such a cultural (and economic) behemoth within our country… but really I just want to see the redwoods

  12. I’d quite like to visit Minnesota, specifically the northern parts. The nature up there seems gorgeous.

    So like if I could take a trip starting from the Detroit area(where I live), and go straight up to the UP and then through northern Wisconsin and then northern Minnesota and then go back. That would be an awesome trip

  13. Utah. That’s probably the state I wanna go to most rn for all the national parks, I’m a landscape photographer so

  14. I guess Alaska because it’s the only one left.

    Did 48 states in 48 days when I turned 48.

  15. I’ve been to the vast majority of states. All that remain are New England, Delaware, a couple of plains states, and Alaska. So, those.

  16. California, the Palm Springs area looks really beautiful. Really anywhere on the west coast though – the farthest west I’ve been is Minnesota lol.

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