I have a coworker and we both work in different departments so we rarely get to interact but when we do bump into each other I do my earnest to at least say hi or ask how she’s been since our workplace is constantly busy. That said I realized that nothing will progress if all I do is say hi whenever I see her so I mustered up the courage to ask for her number and invite her for brunch. Luckily she was down and said we can just text each other to figure out a time and day. I’m quite busy for the next 2 weeks but I plan to hang out w her afterward. I’m 32 now and ever since I got my 1st phone in high school I’ve never been much of an active texter. I usually just ask a friend to hang out when I text someone. But small talk through text not so much. should I change my texting behavior to let her know I’m interested in her for the next 2 weeks? Any suggestions on how often I should text her daily and what kind of messages I should text etc.?

  1. Has she expressed interest in you? You might want to gauge this before sending any good morning texts etc.

  2. Yes you should text her frequently to show your interest. Ask her questions about her to learn more about her. Build rapport before even going on a date.

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