This applies to people who have daughters now or they have moved out. Even people who don’t expect to have children.

  1. Binging Lord of The Rings trilogy on the weekends. Just like my dad used to do with me.

  2. My husband and I have two daughters who are now adults. He had the time of his life teaching them to play basketball, and taking them to NBA & WNBA games.

  3. I have three daughters. The answer is *everything.* When they were young, I simply included them in my time and engaged with them, and as they grew, I took delight in discovering what things they liked and supporting those things. Went camping a lot. Got my toenails painted a lot.

    Just *be with them.*

  4. I’m excited to take her on her first flight/lesson. It’s coming up soon. Well, I’m not the flight instructor, but I’ll be there.

  5. Whatever makes her excited.

    With a boy I’m looking forward to ya know doing boy stuff, but a girl I ain’t really sure…..

    I’d be happy doing whatever though, I assume she’s going to practice makeup on me or have us play tea party or something like that lmao. Not sure what to expect but I hope I get a chance to hang out with her someday.

  6. Nothing really lol. When girls become teens they act shitty to their parents especially fathers. I’ll just pay the bills and be present that’s all.

  7. No daughters but have nieces that i wanna teach them how to do work on thier cars to save money/stop them from getting taken advantage at a shop.

  8. I love cooking with mine, we would do it all the time and each meal brought up other food ideas, past meals, and laughs. We build, relive, and plan memories all at the same time.

  9. Teach them how to use hand tools. Anytime I’m tinkering with something she’s eager to help.

    Run through sprinklers together, go fishing. Just do it all man

  10. I have one and literally anything. She wants to binge an awful youtube show, I’m down. But I do hope she eventually finds a sport or club that she can get invested in. I would love to go to a recital or game at some point.

  11. I was so excited when I found out that a daughter was in the way.

    I love being a dad and especially raising a daddy’s girl.

    I loved taking her out to buy dresses, toys, pets, school supplies basically I loved every opportunity to spend time with her.

    She’s my girl.. has moved from AZ to Massachusetts and is her third year of law school.. I’m so proud of her.

  12. We would drop off my son at school and on the way to her school would go get much fun. Everything is the right answer

  13. I would be excited to take her either on a a trip through Europe, on her first soirée into shooting, or on a trip to Walt Disney World.

  14. I would be excited to take her either on a a trip through Europe, on her first soirée into shooting, or on a trip to Walt Disney World.

  15. Play video games together… but she got to be a teenager and now never wants to play any with me…

  16. Go to the gym, paint together, read together, go to the bookstore together, cook together etc

    Essentially she would be a mini-me, so I would dress her up in cute outfits and take her everywhere.

  17. As mine grew up we played games, video and board, we camped, fished, snowmobiled, road trips to no where, concerts, roller coasters, what ever struck our fancy really. We are still very close thankfully.

  18. The same things I did with my sons, working around the farm, teaching riding, shooting, hunting, fishing, taking her to judo then Jujitsu… Generally, teaching life skills.

  19. She’s a “Career Girl” and rarely cooks. But when she does cook for me, she seems to enjoy it more than I enjoy eating. Goes back to her Easy Bake Oven days. And having tea parties with her when she was 6 years old.

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