I am debating ending our relationship because I feel disrespected and like I can’t fully trust her.

I recently started dating a girl. We met at university at the start of the academic year. We were friends for a while, then became closer and started dating. She says was interested from the beginning, but I wasn’t looking for anything at the time as I was focusing on my career. I should add that we are the same age, this would be my first relationship and her fourth.

This summer we have been in the same city (she lives here and I will be working here for the year). We have been trying to see each other once a week but this hasn’t always been possible – I work long hours and she also has strict parents. Soon she will be going back to university, which is around 6h from where I’ll be staying.

A couple times she’s missed times we’ve agreed to call due to family commitments or work. That’s fine, but what annoyed me is the lack of notice. She also had to cancel one date for similar reasons, but to be fair to her she did let me know in advance.

Recently, she has been taking a long time to text back (almost 24h sometimes). I want to give her benefit of the doubt, as she is busy travelling with her family, but where would you draw the line? I’ve mentioned my frustration and she has acknowledged it and says it will be easier to call when she’s at university again. Right now I don’t feel as if I can trust her 100%.

I am not desperate for a relationship at the moment, and I don’t want it to get in the way of my career. I have also been really working on myself for the last year or so and I know that I have options.

At the same time I am hesitant about ending things so soon as I believe that we can work on these issues. We have great chemistry, and similar values and there’s a lot of things I enjoy about our relationship too.

What would you do in this situation?

1 comment
  1. I understand the part where she has strict parents, not being able to call etc. But nobody in this world takes 24h to respond to a text. Everyone has their phones right in their hands and it takes hardly a minute to text back a person who you want to stay connected with.
    As you have already mentioned your concerns to her, I guess getting replies earlier are out of question as you won’t have written a post here if the situation would have improved. You can talk to her again about all this. I would suggest you to stop texting first and see if she even bothered with your sudden absence.

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