TLDR: I knew this man was my husband when we met and we ended up breaking up. How do I move past these feelings?

I was dating an incredible man [28] that the moment we met I KNEW he was my husband. He ended up breaking it off after struggling personally with a lot of new change, loss of identity from the change (moved to new state, new demanding job, issues with his home). He couldn’t keep dragging me through it. How do I get over this overwhelming feeling I felt with him and move on?

I know the “right guy” wouldn’t leave, but I had never felt love as strong as this before and it has been so hard on me.

  1. There is no “the one”. Everyone has a bunch of people they COULD be fully happy with.

    You will feel passionate love again.

  2. Listen, have you ever heard off “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” working out? It never does, always break up, divorce, cheating..etc. Just become muslim and you will have the best relationship on the planet. Numbers say so, look em up!

  3. Okay we have the exact same story. So I completely understand. Just continue to live your day to day life and give the rest to God. If it’s meant to be, it will. You never know, he may come back to you in a month or two or three or even a year down the line. If you really love him, just wait on him then. Don’t jump into another relationship. You can continue to date without any sexual activity (just friendly dates) and see who you’ll meet. In the meantime, continue to be a productive, active, kind, good person and leave it to God. What is meant for you will be for you. Don’t worry. God Bless.

  4. Perhaps you should dispose of your believing in the concept of “the one.” I think believing in that fairy tale is not serving your life well. There are multiple people that one can fall in love with and prosper with over a lifetime. And if the person you fall in love with doesn’t work out, then there will be another.

    I say this as someone who has been married 40 years.

  5. This happened to me. After some time during which I probably should have been hospitalized for my mental health, I did eventually move on and date again.

    And about five years after he broke up with me, he came back and said I was right all along, we were meant to be.

    Four years strong this time. I moved across the country to be with him last year. I always knew. It just took him a while.

    I don’t think this is likely, though.

  6. The moment you stop using that term or thinking of a partner as “the one” is when you can come back down to reality and begin to heal. Don’t ever put someone at such a high pedestal and that includes “soulmate”.

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