(42m) (40f) I’ve been grappling with a complex emotional shift in my relationship with my wife. It’s become apparent to me that I no longer feel a deep sense of attraction towards her, and the bond of intimacy that once connected us has seemingly dissipated. What adds to the difficulty is that she’s begun to recognize these changes, particularly during our intimate moments. This realization fills me with an overwhelming sense of guilt, as I genuinely believe she is a remarkable individual who deserves happiness and fulfillment in her life.

  1. I would sort your feelings out with a therapist ASAP before jumping to conclusions and probably before bringing this up to your spouse.

  2. How long have you been together? I am pretty sure it is natural for attraction to wax and wane. What attracted you to her initially? 🙂

  3. Sorry I’m just gonna say it: midlife crisis. You realize your wife looks old, that means you’re old too, fuck you’re both old, when did that happen.. panic ensues.. time to think about younger options. A tale as old as time.

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