What’s the last compliment you’ve received?

  1. I dont even remember the last time I was complemented. Which is probably good because if it happened all the time, I’d have an inflated ego and be a dick

  2. Partner said she can’t wait to f*ck me again. If that counts as a compliment.

    If not, “you are handsome” and “you create good stories” would be the last ones.

  3. >Stabile Arme.

    From a dude.

    Its derived from a german fitness youtuber and former pro bodybuilder Markus Rühl and basicly compliments my arms.

  4. About 2 years ago, a woman I was serving said I had a deep voice. I had a sore throat.

  5. When was the last time this frequently asked question was asked?


    Day before?

  6. The last one that sticks out was when my sorta girlfriend told me that I was a lot more selfless and caring than I gave myself credit for. Unfortunately, she’s wrong; I’m as selfish and self-centered as they come, but I’m glad she thinks that way.

    I’m not particularly eager to prove her wrong, either, so I’m going against my nature by thinking of others’ thoughts and feelings-

    Or at least hers 😅

  7. My girlfriend told me that despite her being the more extroverted one, I’m the funnier one

  8. Yesterday, my boss told me I’m the best mother fucker she ever seen, it’s like your a unicorn in this place.

  9. My ex said I was “a great guy” while breaking up with me

    Not really sure how to take that one lmao

  10. You’ve given me a smile for 12 years, even though I loved you more than any woman you’ll ever meet. I’m sorry that I’ll be leaving you alone. Even though I couldn’t say good bye or even see you truly smile not even once, I’m sure that what your seeking is out there. Your happiness. After all you’ve given me your heart to give me Happiness, even after all the painful hardships that most people may not have even faced in one life time, even when you were completely an empty shell of a human when I met you. You place your trust, hopes, dreams, fears, and even your heart onto me. Your truly the Most Wonderful and Greatest Man I have ever met in my entire life! I hope in the next life I’ll meet you again! Thank You for everything! (My name)

    It may have not been the last but it’s the one that has left a mark on me.

  11. “You’re thin”

    Most people have no idea how amazing that really made me feel at the time

  12. I was appreciated for my hard work at my new job. Can’t remember the last time a girl said I was cute. It doesn’t even happen in my dreams lol

  13. I was told I have a great green thumb and asked if I would teach them some things I know about the plants we both like. I felt great hearing that! 🙂

  14. Aw man, last week a dude at the bar said he liked my shirt, I’m wearing that shirt out now. Hell yeah.

  15. “Your mustache looks great” (It really doesn’t), but now I’ve had a mustache for 2 years.

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