**Me -** When I think a girl likes me🥲 just to get heart broken when at the end she reveals she just think of me as a friend…… or a brother.

  1. I was getting hit on once and obviously nobody’s hold do that so I asked her if everything was OK and she broke down crying because everything was not ok.

  2. My first love was a family friend who had become very close. We’d see each other a few times a year. Confessed her love for me in a letter a few weeks before visiting.

    I’ll always remember how it felt when she leaned into me, on a glorious summer afternoon looking across the valley at the Siskiyou mountains, she’d caught me by complete surprise.

    And within a few hours we came back to the earth where her family lived far away, her mom strictly religious. Remained friends but drifted apart by college years.

  3. OP, you just gotta talk to every woman expecting that. Most of the time (or 100% of the time in my case), its just whats going to happen.

  4. My girlfriend’s dad was trying to get me involved in this crypto trading he was doing. As he was explaining it to me I knew it was a scam.

  5. I got majorly ripped off in a ponzi scheme about 20 years ago. what a horrible lesson to learn

  6. A house I was looking at a few years ago turned out to be a real estate scam.

    I was shopping for a small house (before COVID so the prices weren’t outrageous yet) and found a nice place not too far from where I work listed on Craigslist. The ad had lots of professional photos so I book an appointment to go see it and it’s everything I was looking for and the price was lower than I expected. So far, so good. I had a few other places on my list to go see, so we called it a day and I told the agent I’d be in touch.

    A few days later I get a call from the “agent” and they say that he told the sellers all about me and they really want me to be the new owner of their house. But, they are missionaries and were called up to go to the Philippines (or someplace like that) and had to leave right away. If I was serious about the house, they needed a deposit from me and requested that I send the money directly to them. They even offered to let me have the house at a lower price if I sent them a larger amount than would be considered a normal earnest deposit.

    This sounded very suspicious to me so I decided to drive by the house again. It’s still for sale, but the sign in front of the house is not the one from the other day. So I called the agent on the new sign’s number and confirmed that the house is really for sale, but the listing agent asking price and other details were completely different and she said that the owners were not missionaries and have not left the country.

    I reported this to the police but didn’t hear anything from them after that initial report. The fake agent called a few days later and when I told him that this whole thing sounded fishy he denied it for a bit and then started cussing me out and hung up on me.

  7. I put a not insignificant amount of money into AMC stock trying to catch a repeat of Gamestop. There were a couple spikes in the price but I was too late to take advantage of it. There was never a margin call on the short sellers and now i just own a bunch of nearly worthless AMC stock.

  8. I was on a dating app and matched with this really attractive woman, but…I’m ugly as hell and I know it.

    I just knew this had to be a trap, trick or sick joke so I politely told her I didn’t see this as going anywhere and unmatched her.

    No woman, especially not one that nice looking has ever been interested before so why now? I don’t regret it, as I’m sure she was just using me for validation.

  9. “there are tons of beautiful young women in your area who just can’t wait to meet you”

    The lie of lies

  10. Found a girl who’s almost as tall as me (I’m 6’8 and she’s 6’5), really pretty and very nice. she’s finished school where we live and would be moving back home in a week 🙁 I’m moving for school in a week 🙁 she’s from the place I’m going to school 🙂 she’s moving 5 hours away from there for 2 years for more school 🙁

    Hurts but oh well

  11. tinder matched with a gal way out of my league. Showed up for the date and she actually looked just as good in person.

    I was shocked… date went well, we went out to the car to head back to her place and she pulls out her phone and starts showing me her dominatrix dungeon pictures and a portfolio of other guys she has taken pictures of all tied up including some formula 1 drivers.

    That freaked me out and I backed out, wasn’t gonna have my picture on her phone to show off to the next tinder date. She got pissed off and bit my bottom lip so hard it bled.

    Dodged a bullet i think

  12. OP, your example hit a little too close to home; I told someone that a girl I was hanging out with was like a sister to me, not realizing that she had a huge crush on me. Felt like a huge a**hole when I figured it out.

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