my hair has been wild for a while and he hasn’t minded and nether of I because it’s alot of work to keep shaving it and I can’t be bothered. However, me and my boyfriend tried Oral for the first time last night (I gave him oral) and it was great – this was extra exciting because we both had made assumptions that the other wasn’t interested in oral and now that we both know we want to and liked it we are wanting to try it more and get better at it. My boyfriend said that because I’m interested in doing him it’s only fair that he does me (he is a germaphobe so I was extremely surprised when he said he wanted to do me too) and this has made me very excited – however he’d feel more comfortable if I shaved it which I am totally fine with I just have no idea how to go about it and how to do it safely, I can’t afford to go to a place and get it waxed so does anyone have any tips? Thank you in advance!

  1. In my experience, you can just use normal safety razors or whatever other tools you already use to shave body hair. You’ll just want to be careful and take your time.

    You could also ask him. He should have some experience shaving body hair, and he can see the whole area from a third person viewpoint. That might not work for your _particular_ boyfriend, due to the whole germophobia thing, but that’s a different matter.

  2. Don’t shave. Re-growth is horrible. Just trim and if he won’t accept it ditch him.

  3. If you have the money go get a wax or sugar wax. It is way better and it will not grow back as quickly. I have sensitive skin so no matter what products i tried i always got a rash or ingrown hairs when i tried to shave, plus the angles are difficult.

    If you want it to be hairless and pretty without any painful or itchy rashes i would get a professional sugar wax, least irritating option and not too painful to have done. Usually between $60-80 with tip.

  4. Schick hydro 4 in 1 or whatever they call the one with a waterproof electric trimmer on one end and a razor on the other. It’s perfect, one side to level the trees, the other to smooth the earth.

  5. Make the shaving part of the foreplay and ask him to do it for you. When I was married I would often do some trim work on her. It can honestly be so damn hot.

  6. Trim first with some scissors. Shave downwards first (I’m trying to think of the right phase, with the grain I think is what I’m trying to say, shave in the direction the hair grows). Lightly pull the skin tight as you go. I would personally not use a brand new razor for the first try, I’d use one that was a little blunted. Something that is not often talked about as an option in hair removal is epilating – removes the hair at the root like waxing but you don’t have to keep paying someone. Depending on your pain tolerance level and how your body responds to re-growth, it can be a good option for most of the area. Also hair removal cream – its not for me personally but takes away the fear of cutting yourself shaving.

  7. You could get a body hair trimmer. And just trim to short stubble. That way you’re not shaving and maintaining totally bare. Way less itchy too

  8. 1. Trim away as much as you can sitting backwards on the toilet
    2. Hop in the shower and let warm, not hot water soften the skin
    3. Exfoliate the whole area first
    4. Slather the entire area with coconut oil or baby oil to soften the hairs
    5. Rinse and shave going downwards, never up
    6. Squat and shave again
    7. Soap wash the whole thing
    8. Once dry spritz with witch hazel or alcohol to prevent and bacteria
    9. Exfoliate every time you bathe
    10. Use a lot of lube for sex you don’t want friction on the shaved parts

  9. I like playing with grass on the field. The only downside is the occasional hair in the throat

  10. M29, I have previously shaved myself (usually just trim now) and help to shave my gf when she asks.

    If this is your first time with shaving down there, allow yourself plenty of time.
    Use a sensitive shaving foam/gel.
    If you want it to be really smooth when they first see it shaved, then perhaps do an initial shave, and then tidy up like 4-5 days later just before seeing them.
    (Try not to shave too often as you might find it increases razor burn or in-growing hairs)

    Assuming you are using a modern standard shaver with multiple blades, try to use a fresh blade cartridge that hasn’t been used for legs or underarms, and keep it separate for next time.

    Best done in a shower, so you can rinse off during/after shaving.

    As you mention it being kind of wild at the moment, I would suggest using an electric razor with a guard if you have one or even just scissors to trim the hair back closer first.
    As the longer hairs will get clogged in the razor much more quicker which is a pain during shaving.

    Given the awkward positions you usually get into whilst shaving yourself, it might be best you split it up into 2-3 parts if you haven’t done it before and have a brake in between.

    1.) Trim back with electric razor and guard or carefully with a pair of scissors.
    2.) Apply a thin/small amount of shaving foam/gel over the area, best on the landing strip/ bikini line area, and avoid too much on your actual labia/clitoral and vaginal opening areas.

    Use the multi-blade edge, shaving with the grain (in the direction of hair growth) to reduce the likelyhood of in-growing hairs later.
    Take it slow at first.
    If the hair is still long after trimming then you will likely need to go over the same area multiple times and rinsing the razor out quite often.

    If you have more of an outie then an innie down there, then you’ll need to use one hand to pull the labia to one side whilst you go gently with the razor over the hairs.
    It’s difficult to describe fully, as you may have to go by feel where you can’t see.

    3.) Tidy up/ smooth over with a single edge blade, (or second gentle shave with multi-blade side).

    If your razor cartridge has a single edge blade on the back, then use that side afterwards to help smooth things out.

  11. I do laser. Best thing I did. Hair never grew back again, I don’t worry about waxing/ shaving anymore except for a session every year.

  12. Trim down the hair as much as possible with a trimmer or scissors. If you’ve never shaved before, your skin won’t be used to it and it will be more likely to experience irritation. Take a warm shower, oil up the hairs, exfoliate the skin, really go the extra mile this first time around. I’ve found that after shaving a bunch, my skin got used to it and just normal washing and scrubbing in the shower is enough.

    Shave in the direction of hair flow on the first pass. This alone might be smooth enough for your liking and greatly reduces the chance for ingrown hairs and irritation, you can stop here if desired. If you want total smoothness, do a second pass shaving against the direction of hair flow.

    Personally, I do a combination of waxing and shaving. Waxing the first time hurts like the Dickens. For the first waxing, I would start with small areas first. Maybe shave about 90% of the hair and wax the remaining bit. I apply lidocaine to the area to reduce pain, you can also take an ibuprofen if needed. Most any wax product will do, I like the ready to use wax strips. Follow the directions and get to waxing. After the first time, subsequent waxing is far easier. The hairs grow back less strongly attached and pull out with much less effort.

    Once you get a routine down, it might take a total of 30 to 60 minutes per week to maintain. I have been thinking of doing laser or electrolysis for more permanent hair removal just to save of time and having to buy products. Not sure yet. Anyway, hope this helps. Take all the advice form several comments and find something that works for you.

  13. Tell him to pay for you to go get a wax. It will be super smooth after and take longer to grow back. If you do go the shaving route, cut it down as short as you can first then shave it and either way keep it moisturized daily to prevent ingrown hairs.

  14. Hey bby! So I feel you on this one, I had to learn how to shave on my own! Here’s what I did:

    If the hair is SUPER long then use scissors to trim it a wee bit! After that, rinse with water and if you can find a soap made for the OUTSIDE of your vagina use that as a shaving cream, once you get the soap on, you’re gonna go WITH the grain. That means shave the way your hair grows (for me it’s usually down!). Once you get as much off as you can that way, I tend to go from side to side, take the razor and start on one side and go to the other side. After that you should be almost hairless, but the last step to shaving is going AGAINST the grain! So the way you went first, ho the opposite way! Be CAREFUL though because it’s super easy to cut yourself since there’s so many crevices. If you can’t get some hair THATS OKAY! Nothing is perfect! After you get done shaving I would tap some tea tree oil on the outside where you shaved to prevent razor burn and bumps! Just REMEMBER, nothing INSIDE of your vagina! Just the outside! I don’t know if this helps at all but I usually squat down in the shower to spread everything easier. I hope this helped! We’re always here for you! 🙂

  15. If you trust each other, let him shave you. It will be exciting for both of you, and he may understand why sometimes you are less than happy about shaving.
    OTOH, if he is like me, he will take to it like a duck to water, and want to do it for you all the time.

    Pleasure is what you make of it. If you pleasure each other, from shaving to giving each other oral sex, it will make you happy at every step of the way.

  16. OP, if you have Groupon in your country check them out. You can get a good discount on a wax / sugaring treatment. My GF has gotten Brazilians for about 30 (regular $75) thanks to Groupon. 💯

  17. You might have itchy, irritated skin for a few days afterwards but it’s no big deal and will fully cease over time.

  18. Honestly, shaving can be awful if yiu grow out quickly. Nothing worse that razor burn on a guys face.
    I’m fairly hairy and even if I shaved against the grain, you’d be able to feel stubble a few hours later.

    Wax is best, but if you’re not used to it, can make you sore, so may want to wait a day or so before you have sex/oral.

    If you’re not super hairy and have a pain tolerance, epilaters work pretty well. The first couple of times hurts a lot, but believe it or not, you get used to it. Trim the hair though, much easier. And after you shower when skin is soft and happy. Use moisturizer afterwards as well.

  19. Honestly, shaving can be awful if yiu grow out quickly. Nothing worse that razor burn on a guys face.
    I’m fairly hairy and even if I shaved against the grain, you’d be able to feel stubble a few hours later.

    Wax is best, but if you’re not used to it, can make you sore, so may want to wait a day or so before you have sex/oral.

    If you’re not super hairy and have a pain tolerance, epilaters work pretty well. The first couple of times hurts a lot, but believe it or not, you get used to it. Trim the hair though, much easier. And after you shower when skin is soft and happy. Use moisturizer afterwards as well.

  20. The length of this race feels like we’re on the short side of a cup race tbh. I’m here for it

  21. i own a bikini trimmer that i use. i almost never use an actual razor anymore, as it does get irritating. the trimmer gets close enough and i haven’t had any complaints. i use a mirror and go slowly and carefully.

  22. I’m a man so this is a bit different but I always use a trimmer. I just trim it down nice and short. Never had any complaints

  23. I just got a super cheap ‘lady shaver’ from my local drugstore and it works so well, I always had shaving bumps and am super prone to spots/ingrown hairs in that region – shaving down def helps but even then it was still rough. Also this shaver gets it done so so much quicker

  24. I personally use a lotion with witch Hazel, gives some moisture but then the witch hazell prevents bumps and spots.

  25. Get waxed at a salon. I’ve done it as a guy (Back, Sack and Crack wax) I got through it fine. But my pain threshold is pretty good. But it was so much easier to get it done that way, compared to shaving.

  26. get a sharp new razor! (i use a venus razor), and a bar of soap. soap up really well then shave downwards! and rinse under the tap after each time so the blade is always fresh for the next section to shave. hold the skin taut if you need to. enjoy the oral girl its the best!!! <3

  27. Take a long hot bath. The water will soften the hair (just like it softens your toe nails before clipping. After you’ve soaked for a while (and start getting pruney), use a razor and moisturizing shaving cream.

  28. You’ve been together for a while and you guys tried oral for the first time last night? He’s 26 and youre 23? That’s crazy. I am happy for you, it sounds exciting, you must be religious or something?

  29. Just need to say that it still is fun if you don’t shave. Check out old 1980s porn. This grooming obsession is new

  30. I reckon just wax. It’s easier, they get everything, it’s slow to grow back. Just ring around a salon, don’t do it yourself.

  31. Late to the party, but I’ve been shaving face and privates for years as a guy, and what I found that works best is this:

    Schick has skin guards on each blade, so essentially the razor cannot cut anything larger than about the size of hair. I’ve aggressively rammed them across my body in a bunch of different places just to test, and I can confirm the only place they broke the skin was being forcibly drug across my nipples (huge mistake; do not recommend). Otherwise, the shave is close, there’s very little skin damage, _I have never drawn blood with it (outside of those nipples – seriously don’t do that)_, and I don’t have to post-shave with any kind of antibacterial to avoid bumps or infection or ingrown hairs.

    Beyond that, I also recommend:

    – Getting a moisturizer down there as much as possible in the 4-8 hours before shaving. Multiple applications, keep it nice and… well, swampy. It will puff up the skin and give you a smoother surface to work with.
    – Cutting/trimming the hair first. Less total volume means less work with the razor, which minimizes irritation.
    – Instead of soaping the area first when you get in the shower (which will only take off the moisturizer), I recommend using your hair conditioner down there (especially if you don’t trim first). It will moisturize the hair further, and help the blade glide more.

    Last bit, in case nobody else here said it – there are some people who cannot clean-shave their privates without really bad issues (bumps, ingrown hair, irritation, etc.). There are some people who can’t even really keep it at stubble length, and a few who couldn’t handle 1/4″-1/2″ hair. If you are one of these people, that’s fine. You get it as short as you can handle, and that is part of your body that your partner just needs to accept. If someone isn’t scared of a penis or a vagina in their face, they can live with a little bit of (clean and well-groomed) hair. Do not let anyone push you around, make you feel bad, or make you hurt yourself to please them.

    P.S. The process goes as follows: Goatee –> Hulk Hogan –> Tom Sellick –> Hitler –> Baby’s Bottom. Rules are rules when shaving thicker hairy areas.

  32. I use hair removal cream, the ones specifically labelled for sensitive skin only. Test it on a few small patches first, or even just start with a test on your inner arm. The label usually says to apply for no longer than 6 minutes. Never exceed that, no matter what. You WILL burn. And wash it off the instant you feel any sense of burning. You can always wait a few days and then repeat. I use it with no problems on pubic hair, underarms, scrotum, butthole. Leaves me smooth as a baby don’t get it inside your vaginal labia (mucous membranes). I was prone to getting mildly burnt when I first started, especially if I exceeded the time. But my skin seems to have adapted to it so I’ve not had a burn for ages. One time I got a burn in the crease of skin at the top of my thigh. Another time underarm. Once or twice burnt butthole. Also once or twice burnt scrotum. No idea why on different occasions a different patch of skin decided to get all red and angry. Btw I wear a condom to make sure it doesn’t get onto my penis. The other thing is to start with the tougher hair areas like pubes, then move on to the more delicate areas like your butthole after that. I repeat, jump in the shower the instant your feel like any burning sensation. Otherwise you will burn. Just for the record, I’ve never removed the hair from my legs, because I’m a guy and I can’t stand a guy with shaved legs, not even if he’s a cyclist.

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