I’m 53. A week ago my wife of 20 years said my hair looked “fetching.” Before that in 1992 my girlfriend said I had “soccer player’s legs.”

…aaaand that’s it.


  1. Can’t remember much which says everything. 10+ years ago I remember hearing I had broad shoulders.

  2. I don’t know if it’s a compliment or not but was really funny, once when I was in middle school this person asked me if I was Indian, I said no and the person said that I looked to be from India, since then my friends joke about me being indian

  3. I get compliments on my appearance literally every day, and I can’t remember the last time I went out without getting a compliment. It’s usually someone complimenting my hair, but I also get it a lot for my smile. I know that makes me sound conceited or something, but I am just being honest.

  4. I get complemented on my hair a lot. Mind you, that’s because my hair is vibrant green and I think other people with brightly colored hair get the same attention

  5. years ago i was working at a cemetery. one day after a funeral i was wrapping up, i had a Chicago bears shirt on. all sweety, long hair, full beard. this old lady comes up to me and asks “are you a bears fan?” i say “no it’s just a shirt lol” she says, as she touches my chest.”Well, you look like a bear ;)” very sexualy

  6. Like three years ago.

    I was laughing and my friend said complimented my teeth saying “Dude your teeth are really white, how do you take care of them?”

  7. I look in the mirror the other night before bed and I say…” look at me…I’m old, short, fat and bald…what have I become…”

    My wife says…”yeah but your vision is 20/20 !”

    I get no respect I tells ya

    Edit: >!for the ones who didn’t catch the reference, this is a joke from Rodney Dangerfield ;)!<

  8. I’m 53. As far as compliments from women go the last one was last year a random woman on the street stopped me and said I had lovely eyes. Can’t remember the second to last compliment I got. Probably from my Mum when I was a kid in the 80s. As far as compliments from men go for some reason I got hit on a lot by gay guys when I was living in the UK in my 20s. So I have received many many more compliments from the times when I was at a gig/club/pub from drunken gay guys than I ever have from women.

  9. The last most specific compliment was from a middle aged woman in costco who said a lot , but in summary: ” I like your features, do you have any negative family health issues, if not have you considered being a sperm donar?”

  10. When my hair gets longer, I get plenty of compliments from heavily melanated women. I’m a white dude with wavy/curly hair and for some reason they like to touch it. I don’t really like having my head touched at all, but I appreciate the attention

  11. Several women have complimented me on my eyes.
    They told me I looked like Paul Newman.

  12. In high school I had a girl who called me blue eyes instead of my name. I’m still living for that compliment. Gabby if you’re on Reddit thank you.

  13. My girlfriend was complimenting me to try to boost my confidence but that doesn’t count cuz she’s obviously biased as my girlfriend.

    Other than that, a friend of a friend (I never really liked this person) said I had sexy hair. This was about 2 years ago now, and since then, my hair is the only thing I like about my appearance

  14. During the pandemic i was asked to take off my mask for a second so they can see my face. Got called handsome. 2 years later im still riding that wave.

  15. Someone in my extended family looked at me and said “have you lost weight?”

    As a man that cannot handle being complimented, I simply replied “no, I buy large clothes.”

  16. I dress really bright and loud, so almost every time I leave the house someone says “That shirt rocks”, when I’m sure what they mean is “Its cool youre brave enough to dress like an idiot”.

    If clothes don’t count, then my wife is pretty frequent with the compliments. Love that lady.

  17. Had a coworker who came up to me one day randomly and said “my sister thinks you’re hot”
    Not very specific but it stayed with me, I dated that sister for a bit

    Same exgf said once or twice that she was jealous of my eyelashes so I’ll take what I can get I guess

  18. I sent a picture to some random who started talking to me on reddit. She said I had very nice eyes and then ghosted out of the chat. I already know my eyes are spectacular. Some gay dude let me know this ~20 years ago.

  19. I’m really sad about how often men don’t get complimented. Like I’m shocked every time I see this question asked. I feel as women we receive so many compliments and I tend to downplay them because it makes me uncomfortable sometimes (I’m getting better at just saying thank you) but sheesh some of y’all saying years ago. I need to make a goal to compliment more men. 😞

  20. A schizophrenic patient told me “you have doves eyes”. Proceeded to continue screaming at all of us and “hexing us” and proceeded to shit on the floor.

  21. I get compliments on my appearance almost every day, because I go to the gym almost every day. Now that sounds great but 90% of said compliments are from newbie dudes in the gym who just really want tips and that’s their polite intro into asking.

    Upside is the other 9% are from hot gym girls which is always nice and the final 1% is the rarest and most valued of all, the compliments from the jacked old bodybuilder.

    Every gym has one, you’re not allowed to approach them they’re a mythical endangered species and you’re not considered a gym rat until you’ve been asked to spot them on a 4+ plate bench that’s their welcoming ceremony acknowledging your progress and bringing you into the tribe… where you now have the privilege of being offered sketchy d-Bol in the locker room after XD But seriously the jacked old dude giving you a compliment as a gym rat is worth all the others combined because that dude was a fucking unit back in his day and you all know it so if he thinks you’re doing well that’s a real compliment.

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