i started working as a cna and most of the staffs were friendly, of course there were some that were just grumpy but one of the nurses in the area that i work with seems to be friendly with everyone. it wasn’t that he was rude to me but he just refuses to acknowledge me, sometimes he would come up to the circle of staff that i was in and just talk and make eye contact with everyone except for me.

i honestly don’t know why its bothering me, i never expect him to be friendly or anything but it just feels like i did something bad to him (?) even though that was my first day and i never even interacted with him

  1. He has his reasons, I guess. if you’re sure to yourself you did nothing wrong, then it’s more of a “him” problem.

  2. Not everyone will like you, no matter how good you are. That’s part of life.

    So Relax, and if it gives you peace then ask that person politely ! “If you have caused them any inconvenience”. If they are still the same don’t bother them or yourself about it.

  3. I get that too. But i have just started a job where i am the only foreign person and also happen to be mega tall and tower over everyone so they might think i am agressive or god knows what goes through their mind. I hate it when a person does not acknowladge me because when i talk i make sure i am addressing everyone equally.

  4. It is annoying. I have had that same bizarre experience, not at work but in the neighborhood.

    I was talking to my neighbor, and her MIL (also a neighbor) came right up. No acknowledgement or eye contact for me, and when I commented on anything, she pretended not to hear me.

    It’s not that we’d had any encounters before, so I couldn’t have offended her. Also, it was just general chitchat about the weather, etc.

    She was just rude.

    Your coworker is also just rude. He may not intend it, but he is rude. He’s only interacting/acknowledging people he already knew.

  5. Sometimes it takes people time to warm up to newcomers. Sometimes age/gender are a factor; you don’t state yours but sometimes older men are specifically careful not to appear too friendly with younger women, for good reason. Sometimes it’s that the person you replaced was less than great to work with so someone might be treading carefully, holding back until they know (a) you’re going to stay and/or (b) that you’re not trouble.

    Point is: it can absolutely have nothing to do with anything you’ve done or not done. Just keep being you, do good work, and don’t sweat it. Coworkers can be friends but it’s not a job requirement. <shrug>

  6. TBH it could be anything. If they are older than you or going through something they could just be tired. For example this weekend I met someone who seemed very eager to talk but I was exhausted and just couldn’t match their enthusiasm. I would give it time.

  7. Ever heard that saying “peaches are sweet but there are some people who can’t stand peaches” I use that analogy to people in life too lol. I was the nicest guy in my last job but for whatever reason my team lead could not stand me. He got in trouble with previous coworkers while I didn’t so it wasn’t me as the problem. It’s life bro

  8. Some people are introverted. Some people only socialize for gaining something. Some people just don’t vibe.

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