how many dates before the first kiss?

  1. You have to look at what it says in your dating contract. You have a dating contract, right?

  2. First date is platonic chill chat and get to know them

    Date two is when things progress

  3. Depends on the person. The last person I was seeing we had been talking for a couple of months and ended up kissing on the first date. Actually did that more then anything else 😂

  4. I’ve always let the woman decide, I’m not really into something unless she is either so when she gives me the signals I’ll go for it and not a moment sooner

  5. Not kissing on the first is uncommon but acceptable. If we haven’t kissed after the second, we clearly don’t have the right chemistry and there won’t be a third.

  6. In my experience it is 0-2 dates. If you don’t kiss by the second date, you probably won’t ever kiss. And there have been plenty of times where I make out with a girl at a party or at a bar before we even go on 1 date

  7. From my experience, most of my long-term romantic relationships started from the first kiss on the first date. Most likely because of the instant chemistry between us.

    Others I’ve dated where there were no first date kisses; the connection eventually drifted and fizzled out within a few weeks to a few months.

  8. It really depends. I’ve “dated” for over a year before it got physical in any way (started with kissing), but there’s been others where we started kissing just a couple of hours into it, and went all the way right after that.

    So to answer your question, I would say it 100% depends on your chemistry with the person and how quickly things develop. I don’t really think there is a standard amount of time that makes it acceptable or not.

  9. The first date with my now wife I kissed her on the cheek and I’ll never forget the look she gave me. At first I thought it was a “what the fuck don’t do that” I later learned it was a “what the fuck why not my food hole?” I read her really wrong our first couple dates. Apparently on our 2nd date she wanted to do the nasty and in her words “could not have been more clear” when she got on top of me and took off her shirt. I’m actually 100% surprised we’ve been together for 12 years at this point.

  10. Depends on how long and intense the dates are and how much build up and talking happened before. Usually first or second date.

    I’ll say if you haven’t kissed by third date there probably isn’t chemistry.

  11. Up to the other person. I’m quite easy going but I also don’t want to overstep boundary’s, so i leave it to the other to decide

  12. Well with me and my situationship, it was date 0. We just sort of made out one night and have been talking ever since.

  13. If you’re both enjoying yourselves and each other’s company and the sparks are flying, a nice kiss should go down either during or after the *first date*

  14. All but twice, it’s always been the first date. Once because I was 16 and didn’t know what I was doing. Second time, it wasn’t the right time.

  15. I always said 3 dates but it depended on the girl. If she lasts that long she’s definitely not sick of me yet.

    When I was younger I’d wait forever and girls would get pissed. One time in college it was like almost a month of dating and this girl pulled me close, planted one right on the lips and was like “what the hell are you waiting for?!” We proceeded to make out for like a half hour. That was pretty cool but I decided I probably shouldn’t wait that long anymore.

  16. It really depends on age. When I was younger, it needed to be a month. I’m 48 now. It’s completely plausible that the first date is talking about moving in and anal.

  17. Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight
    Lead me out on the moonlit floor
    Lift your open hand
    Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
    Silver moon’s sparkling
    So kiss me

  18. Op the answer is 1-3. If they won’t kiss you by the 3rd date, odds are they’re not that interested.

  19. First one. I politely show up my intentions since the beginning. If it does not go the way I planned it then I call it off and move on.

  20. When you feel it’s right, not forced. I dated a girl for a pretty long time, I only kissed her a couple times. I kissed my (now) wife while we were just friends with no romantic intentions.

  21. If she wasn’t ready on the first date I always moved on. Essentially got her laughing and moved in slowly so she could deny me if she wanted to and just paid attention to body language. My sister’s always told me that every girl is willing to kiss on the first date wit ha guy she’s super into.

    My dad taught me there are two main types of men. One women break rules for and the one she makes rules for.

    Try to be both, but if you have to be one, be the one they break rules for, because they don’t get cheated on but the latter usually does.

    Worked out good for me. Have a wife that still is infatuated with me and was willing to move across the country at the drop of the hat to be with me, got a beautiful kid out of it too.

    I’m sure many would take issue with that belief set but it worked well for me so I can’t complain. Thanks dad

  22. If it’s a good date, probably the first one (assuming the vibe is there, don’t push it). If you go two proper dates without smooching then the spark probably isn’t there

  23. From my experience a first kiss is a pretty strong indicator if the first date went well or not.

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