I decided not to study a masters in psychology and wanted to go for my next option: psychotherapy training. But how in the world do people afford it??? I receive miserly pay and wouldn’t even be able to afford weekly discounted therapy let alone the course fees.

  1. Sadly a lot of professional training is just straight up expensive. With masters, at least you get a government loan. Would it work worse for you?

  2. Worked in mental health for 10 years with a psych degree. I look into psychotherapy training every year as well as many friends in psych/nursing roles.

    None of us have done it, apart from the girls with rich daddies who support them through it.

  3. Worked in mental health for 10 years with a psych degree. I look into psychotherapy training every year as well as many friends in psych/nursing roles.

    None of us have done it, apart from the girls with rich daddies who support them through it.

  4. My daughter is a Psychologist. She had a loan for her MSc. and worked in a supermarket to support herself. Once she got the MSc. she worked in research, and then spent five long years trying to get a place to do her Doctorate, which was funded by the NHS whilst she worked for them as an AP. It was a long road but so worth it. I can’t comment on Psychotherapy training but don’t dismiss a Masters in Psychology as leading nowhere – you just need to be very persistent.

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