This past summer I’ve been doing work at my university and I get lunch with my coworkers sometimes. One of my coworkers is leaving to go back home and he invited me and others to a “goodbye” dinner next week. I struggle with being social anxious and I’m hesitant to go to the dinner because I’m not that close to him (known him for only 2 months really) and I’m also not that close to anyone else who’s going. I also don’t know how many people will be going which also makes me anxious. My social skills aren’t amazing and I tend to be pretty quiet when I’m in a group of people I don’t know very well so I’m afraid I’ll be awkward and out of place. I’m also afraid that it’s more of a courtesy invite than anything. At the same time maybe I’m just overthinking it, and its fine and I should just go?

1 comment
  1. Listen, I get it. Social anxiety can be tough to deal with, but sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone can surprise you. Going to the dinner might actually be a good opportunity to connect with coworkers on a more personal level, and maybe even make new friends. Plus, it’s just one evening, right? If things get uncomfortable, you can always leave early. So I say go for it and give it a shot. Who knows, you might have a great time!

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