I often see women complain men “put very little effort” to impress them. So tell me, how much effort do women put to impress you?

  1. My dude, I’m so oblivious to women wanting me sometimes that I will definitely not see their effort in a “oh she wants me” way.
    So I can never know.

  2. Those that complain that men put little effort to impress them are probably not worth trying to impress…

  3. So far I have had only one girl actually put in effort to impress me. Even then that was only in a single aspect snd didn’t put effort in anywhere else

  4. No woman has ever tried to impress me.

    Doubt most men are the type of men women bother trying to impress, although I consider myself especially far from that type of man lmao

  5. Over the years, a woman dyed her hair blonde because a friend told her I had a bit of a preference for blondes when she was crushing on me. A woman took some lindy hop dance classes for a few months so she could surprise me with swing dancing. A woman came out to help me fork out lambing pens because she wanted to show that rural life wouldn’t entirely disagree with her, so she shoveled shit with me for 10 hours. A woman one time bragged about the spiciness of her native cuisine and wanted to out spicy me in a hot sauce competition. It was _not_ a sexy date activity, lmao, 10/10 would do again. A woman read a book on chess and practiced for a long time to try to be able to beat me because she thought it was cute I had a deal with my son/daughter where they would get money if they beat me.

    There’s the normal stuff, make up, clothing, lingerie, knowledge of art/culture/current events, showing off skills like music or ice skating.

    Many things over the decades, I appreciated all of ’em.

  6. None, my wife hasn’t even tried to do something for me in years. Our last anniversary she barely even got my a present. And my birthday she did nothing.

  7. I feel like women mostly try to impress you once you get them. But during the dating phase, the guy has to put in most of the work. I had women cook stuff for me or wear something really nice once we were in the relationship.

  8. What kind of effort these women are expecting? In my experience guys put a lot of effort to impress women.

  9. *”I often see women complain men “put very little effort” to impress them. So tell me, how much effort do women put to impress you?”*

    Not enough.

    Women generally are passive when it comes to this.

    When women complain about men putting very little effort it’s most likely because the women aren’t worth it.

    Why do I get the feeling that even though this question is asked to MEN women are going to answer it(and say what they have done for men).

    Just sit this one out ladies.

  10. She took a road trip, while sick and pregnant with somewhere important to be in the morning, just so she could sleep next to me because I was *a little* depressed. I will never question that woman’s devotion.

  11. You see it usually during the relationship. In the dating phase, I am mostly doing the work to get to the relationship phase. There is no complaint there.
    During the relationship phase, I usually spend around a couple months putting effort, and then I stop. Why? I check how consistent she is with doing her part. I have seen her doing nice things for me a couple times, but it is far from consistent. I am expected to be consistent though. When I stop putting effort is when I start hearing the complaints so much until the relationship dies. It’s nice things every now and then, but far from the effort you’re expected to do as a man.
    What effort means for a woman is different from a man, especially in frequency. Certain things sound normal to her, whereas I consider it effort and vice versa. There are more factors into how much effort a guy is willing to put, but I will leave it here.

    Effort is usually very much not frequent at all, rarely costs money and it will be expected from you to compensate the same effort.

  12. Most of the time absolutely zero.

    I do have friends though that women break their back to give attention too, so it depends if they think you’re worth it they will if not they won’t spare you much attention/affection.

  13. I remember once when I returned from a business trip, my girlfriend had decorated our bedroom with Christmas lights. I was impressed.

  14. They don’t even try to impress the guys they’re attracted to. Why would they try to impress me?

  15. One time a girl in high school asked me to help her with math homework.

    So can we answer a negative amount of effort?

  16. I’ve had women ask and plan dates, bake me sweets, buy me flowers and many other small tokens of effort.
    I do the same though. Thoughtful gestures are important to me and I definitely won’t spend much time on a woman who won’t put the same effort I do.

  17. Eh. Make an effort to communicate. Plan a date for once. Don’t sit back and expect a guy to do everything. I wish men had higher standards when it comes to dating women. They’d get a reality check.

  18. 1. Reply with sentences unless it’s absolutely necessary to reply with one word answers.

    2. If you’re busy and can’t talk at the moment, just say so, no one wants be left on read.

    3. Make an effort, atleast to reject if you’re not interested anymore.

    4. If guy is sending paragraphs answer each part, not to the last part only. (Happened with me).

    5. Don’t communicate passively, be direct, upfront and honest.

    6. Respect our time.

  19. I can’t even remember a time when a woman showed a lot of effort. Seriously, ever.

  20. Someone said it goes more into the relationship than dating and I kind of agree with that.
    Am a simple and honest man, I say what I want and what not. Woman will win me over in a week if they are pretty, smart and kind, but keeping me interested and making me to invest more into the relationship is a different story.
    Probably the clearest I remember was with an extraordinary woman that we spend 5 years together:
    – she always payed attention to my quirks and would go around them if she didn’t think they were plain stupid, if she thought so, she would ask my reasoning behind it.
    – when she saw I was down, she would start making jokes about me (she knew I would bite back if she just kept pushing me and when I did, she would just laugh, kiss me and tell me that whatever got me down wasn’t as bad as I thought) and acting more foolish than normal.
    – would leave me notes around the apartment on days I got up later than her.
    – got me a beautiful little silver “pill canister” so I could store me weed in something cute. (Still have it with me, lots of people are amazed that’s my pocket weed stash and also she wasn’t and isn’t a daily user as I)
    – she didn’t have a 2nd thought on our first motorbike ride together AFTER I crashed while parked in front of her, before I turned the engine on xD. One of the best stupidiest falls I’ve had.

    Other girls:
    – leaving me notes/msgs to find during my day.
    – going to a restaurant I can actually eat what I like
    – getting interested in what my passions are
    – teaching me patiently about things they know and I don’t, and I know I can be tiring because I ask a lot to make sure I understand what they are teaching
    – going along with my daily questions about life and the universe, just food for thoughts.

  21. Great question. Women seem to want to impress other women more than anything. Why?

    With that said, I’m not looking to be impressed. I’m looking to feel like I’m her man!

    If I’m in public, I want someone proud to be with me and not off flirting and then gaslighting me by saying “I harmlessly flirt with everyone”.

    I’m looking for a woman who brags about me and focuses on the positives.

    I’m looking for a woman to brag about me to her friends without insecurities about her friends trying to hit on me.

    Treat me like a fucking man you appreciate and need.

  22. Just know women say one thing but they act another. They like the ideal of a nice guy but bad boys get there juices flowing.

  23. None lol.

    Women always clown men for having no game but they themselves are literally worse. They just look at you and to them that’s them “shooting their shots”

  24. I divorced her and moved on. Funny, but the same things I did that didn’t impress my ex are everything to my new girlfriend. Life is good…and a bit funny.

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