It sounds ridiculous because it is ridiculous. Somehow people get provoked when you refuse to acknowledge their existence because you can literally smell their controlling toxicity from a mile away. I know how to detect it so easily which is a blessing and a curse. And then they confirm it by doing things like shaking their head, and saying things like “she’s/it’s not worth it.”

Why are they provoked by me just minding my business?? It’s genuinely concerning. Their presence takes up so much of the room that they must have everyone’s blind obedience? This is a democracy not a dictatorship (at least for right now). It’s just insane how these people create a beef out of thin air and act out some type of fight or argument with me.

I know about projection, but having a literal fight with someone who is not engaging with you is the lowest of low behavior. It irritates me yes, because all I want is to be left alone most times. I don’t get why random people have to take so much offense from that. It’s the exact reason I keep to myself and don’t go outside much, because people like this exist.

I think I might have something if not everything to do with my appearance. I feel like it’s easy to put my appearance together with my silence and assume I am mean or b*tchy in some way. Maybe I come off that way but it’s self protective so people will leave me alone. People are so weird.

  1. Apparently, these people think you’re stuck-up, arrogant, feel like you’re too good for them, don’t like them and/or are anti-social and lack social skills because you don’t acknowledge them. I’ve been through it my whole life. In your case, they might have a point if they think you don’t talk to them because you don’t like them.

  2. I know what you’re talking about. Sometimes people get mad at me and I can see them making annoyed faces with me in the corner of my eye. I’m just quiet folks, I don’t think you’re unworthy or anything. Jeez… If I could wave a magic wand and be a social butterfly I would.

  3. This made me laugh pretty hard because I’ve experienced this as well.

    It’s honestly hilarious because some people have massive egos and always need to command the room.

  4. Most people are only able to perceive things in a way that makes them the focus of the scenario. So they think “why is that person not talking to me, that must be because they’re making a judgement of me and they don’t like me”. They can’t perceive that “this person is just not very outgoing and they’re like this to everyone”, everything has to be a personal attack and has to be related to them.

  5. Men do this to other men as well (I’m non-binary, but biologically male).

    Insecure, younger (short and skinny) men can spot you from a distance and they get triggered. The entire walk up to them is an increase in tension, they act as though it’s some machismo Mexican standoff.

    To me, as a tall and older male, I notice it and roll my eyes. “Here we go again with this shit”. I just mind my own business and still they’ll try to get into my personal space or do something rude.

    I try to hold space for them, ignore them and when I can’t help but look at them have a body language of “I’m not a threat kiddo!”.

    When I don’t look…well, cis-male, the little men think that means I’m somehow less of a threat. Instead they act as though I can be dominated and so I get harassed or attract negative attention in public.

    It’s because they don’t feel adequate or powerful so they look for people to dominate, sadly lacking the insight that introspection and self-cultivation is the way forward.

    Note: When I was younger and less secure these people would also target me. Now with the confidence that comes from age and experience they stay clear of me. So any cis-men saying ‘that doesn’t happen”…yes it does, just not to you!

    tl;dr It’s because they need therapy.

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