Basically the title. It’s been a few years since I’ve gone on a date, and I just got Invisalign. I figured my odds of finding someone before I got them were pretty low, but now I’m even more self-conscious now.

My teeth aren’t bad, but I’ve got a couple I’ve wanted fixed for the past few years. Now that I’m working on them, I feel like I’m 13 again, the place where I’m getting them fixed, is also almost entirely for kids which doesn’t help with it. 30 weeks left

  1. Well invisalign, you dont even really notice and even if they were metal, who cares? All that would matter is you feel comfortable in your own skin. Im very self conscious about my teeth as well, so I totally get it. As long as you treat her right, then that is the least of of your worries

  2. I really wouldn’t worry about it! The whole point of Invisalign is to make them almost invisible! Also, you are going to end up with nicer teeth at the end of the day:)

  3. nbd, i have a couple of friends who had Invisalign, and I never noticed except the times they told me, which was only when were eating and they had to take them off haha.

    plus, anyone you want to date will be supportive of healthy decisions. I find it attractive when men take care of themselves.

  4. I also don’t think the right lady will care. Bad teeth can have real health implications down the road, any woman worth dating will see it as a good thing you’re getting them fixed!

  5. I’ve seen friends with Invisalign and it’s not super noticeable. Go forth and date confidently, my dude; not a bad thing at all to be sprucing up your smile. I certainly wouldn’t put someone down for it – green flag!

  6. My take is that they’re taking care of themselves and I’m on board with that. I had Invisalign for about a year and it’s practically undetectable, just make sure to take out your trays and give your mouth a rinse if there’s any making out in your future.

  7. Invisalign is no biggie… very cool that you’re taking care of yourself, I think it’s a plus! Just don’t be gross about them, take care of the retainers when you take them out like cleaning them often and not leaving them lying around

  8. I’ve yet to have an issue with having Invisalign on dates (33F). I usually just excuse myself before (to remove them and rinse them) and after (to quickly snap them in). None of my dates really cared though.

  9. The dude I’m seeing has traditional braces with the clear brackets. I can tell he’s self conscious about them but I forgot about them literally 5 minutes into the first date. It’s seriously NBD. The best investments you can make are into yourself.

    **I have Invisalign so there are gonna be some orthodontic kindred spirit jokes down the line.

  10. I mean, worst case scenario you just wait 30 weeks and it’s not a problem.

    But, any girl you date will eventually know you got ’em fixed, when you wear your retainer at night (and you must). So it’s not like it’ll be a dirty little secret either way.

    So, go forth and don’t worry about it.

  11. The guy I’m seeing (39m) wears invisalign. It was actually a plus when I noticed on our first date, indicating he takes care of himself. Teeth (mostly hygeiene) has been a deal breaker for me, so I really liked seeing someone also prioritizing this.

    I could tell he was a little self conscious, especially needing to take a moment to take them off and on around meals. But now it’s bit of a joke, he’s got just a couple months left and we often talk about a whole new world of snacking and coffee will open back up for him.

    He did mention it directly early on, like yeah I wear these, it’s annoying, but I’ve always wanted to fix this one tooth. It’s a conversation starter for me, asking how bad do they hurt, when do you start a new tray, etc.

  12. I wouldn’t think anything of it. If anything, it shows you’re taking care of yourself 🙂

  13. I know a dude who’s 5’5″ and recently had his braces removed. To me he looked like a child but he was still pulling women right and left with the braces and his confidence is through the roof now that they’re off. Get the braces fix your smile

  14. I wouldn’t mind it. You’re taking care of a potential problem down the road. I’m 38F and I have to get an upper partial denture after a full dental restoration. Thanks to my parents neglect when I was a child.

  15. Couldn’t care less tbh. Like knowing that someone is actively taking steps to self improve, even if maybe just aesthetically.

  16. Man: “hey, I have braces because I want to fix my teeth and care for my dental health before I get older”

    No woman ever: “lame”

  17. Bruh. Gtfo lmao. Invisaline isn’t braces. I had the hard core old school metal shyte that actually cuts your *cheeks on the inside or tongue (when you run your tongue aginst your teeth) when the month is up and you need to go back in to cut the wire.

    You’re absolutely fine.


  18. In this economy? Better keep an eye out for gold diggers. 😉

    In all honesty, it’s been pretty common to see adults go through the orthodontic process. Not that big of a deal. Like others have said, it’s evidence of you taking care of yourself.

  19. I wouldn’t care, its not permanent, and it doesn’t really disturb your features.
    You’ll be fine, as long as you don’t let it affect your confodence (or at least don’t let it show on the first dates)

  20. wait, we’re not even talking about metal braces?

    was gonna say they probably look a bit cute. But I had braces at 18, so I might be more open to it.

    I’ve seen 40yo with braces kinda looked cute to me 🤷‍♀️

    But Invisalign? I can’t see anyone caring about that at all. xD

  21. No one will care about Invisalign! But if it were metal braces, I would not be into it personally

  22. Good on you to take care of yourself. I didn’t het Invisalign, I got metal braces right during my divorce and started dating when they came off a year later. Zero regrets, straight teeth are pretty!

  23. Improving yourself is always a good look. Besides just the aesthetics of it, having straighter teeth means you can take care of them easier, which is better for your overall health.

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