Where did you learn to tie a tie and what knot is your go to?

  1. For school, when I was 7. Back then, I just did a four-in-hand, but a Plattsburgh was my preferred knot as a teenager.

    And now I think I’ve worn a tie twice in the past 5 years.

  2. YouTube and the Eldredge knot is my go to. Hard to learn but worth the compliments.

  3. I went to Catholic all boys school so my go to knot is a half assed half Windsor

  4. I was probably 17 or 18 and I’ve always been a fan of the Windsor knot.

  5. highschool for debate club, four-in-hand. I like the look and didn’t want to seem like a try-hard

  6. My mom taught me the half windsor when I was probably 7 or 8. I dabbled in some others I learned, mostly by asking folks who I saw with a knot I liked. But mostly just used half windsor and four in hand. Eventually settled with four in hand at MCRD. Ever since then thats what I use.

  7. From my dad the day before I started middle school, since a tie was part of the uniform. The knot that isn’t a windsor.

  8. From my dad, at 11. Half Windsor is muscle memory now, but I like the Eldredge a lot, too.

  9. My dad taught me the four in hand. Later I went online to learn the half Windsor and that’s been my go-to.

  10. My dad taught me for my Grandpa’s funeral. It was a four in hand if I remember correctly. My go to now is a half Windsor on the rare occasion I wear a tie.

  11. In my bathroom and four in hand. I had a diagram that showed how to tie one and practiced in the bathroom mirror until I got the hang of it. I watched too much Leave It to Beaver and thought I’d need a tie for the Jr High dance.

  12. Internet, and the Pratt tends to be the easiest for me to get right on the one time every two years I need a tie. It’s a good all-purpose knot for most occasions.

  13. Windsor. Went to Catholic schools, where clip-ons were *not* acceptable; my older brother taught me

  14. https://youtu.be/epB7K9pxAB0

    I’m a half Windsor guy myself. I don’t like uneven knots, they look sloppy. And I’m not cool enough for a full Windsor, it’s a large knot that I don’t need. But the half Windsor is where it’s at. I was traveling for work when I decided that I didn’t know how to tie a tie and I needed to fix that immediately, so I went to the store, got a tie and pocket square set and got to work

  15. I believe it was either from The Art of Manliness or Real Men Real Style YouTube channel. Four-in-hand is my go-to because it was easiest to learn. I wear ties a lot, and have thought about trying to mix it up lately.

  16. I dont know much about knots but my Air Force ROTC taught me to do a Windsor

  17. I don’t I buy the pre made ties that you can attach using a magnet clip on. Best money spent.

  18. Dad showed me, but learned my preferred tie knot on internet. He showed me a Half Windsor, but im tall and skinny so a Full Windsor looks better.

  19. Half-Windsor learned at the age of 6.

    I wore a tie from Grade 1 till Grade 8 when the school board decided to get rid of uniforms. The girls got to stop wearing tunics with bloomers and knee socks.

  20. My drill instructor showed me in air cadets.

    I have no idea. It’s the usual way I guess? Never seen anyone else do it differently.

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