Need honest advice
(Reposting my story from another forum, don’t mind me, just seeking help)

Hey all, never thought I’d end up coming on here to share some personal info but, it’s been chewing at me
for a while and I could really use some help.

My girlfriend and I [M20 F20] have been together for two years now, and I love her so much and I try to do everything in her best interests. No matter the sacrifice.

But as of recently, I feel like I’ve noticed her pull away, be more distant, ignore and read my text. Etc etc… and when I confront her, she always says she feels bad and gets upset. Nothing ends up coming from these conversations though. I always comfort her if it comes to that, because I HIGHLY respect her feelings and wishes, and understand how it can be upsetting to have these conversations.

We used to be super super intimate too. This has also come to a stop. It has been really taking a toll on me. If we do get intimate, she usually stops it, or says her stomach is hurting or she’s tired

ALSO as of recently, she bails/cancels a lot of our plans to hang out. Most of the time it’s like I’m begging her to hang out with me. But when we do hang out, I’ll occasionally see her text her friend asking what they’re doing, and making plans with them while we’re hanging out. Even today I asked if she could pick me up from a surgery (days prior I asked this) and she agreed. An hour before she bails out and says her tire is flat. I said that’s ok and not to worry, as I can find another ride. But come to find out shes pretty much been out the whole entire day driving around.

Maybe I’m being dramatic or selfish, but this has really REALLY been hurting me and I do not know what to do.

Thank you for listening 🙂
(Willing to provide more details if needed)

TL;DR: Need advice getting girlfriend back

  1. Being distant is one thing, but outright flaking in your time of need is another. You now know you can’t trust her to have your back.

  2. Come on. You know. She’s not interested in you anymore and everything you’ve told us points to this. Blowing you off after your dental surgery, no intimacy, being bored. You know. Time to rip off the bandaid and move on.

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