Long story short, I’m a 21 year old virgin. I date a woman in my friend group. I‘m afraid that she will tell people I‘m a virgin, even if it happens by accident. If it was a stranger I would tell her of course, but she isn’t a stranger.

My question is, should I tell her? I think I can manage that she will never find out, maybe if it works out, I can tell her later in the relationship

  1. I’d keep it to myself if you don’t want it getting out. Have you ever heard two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

  2. 1. You should probably tell the person your giving your virginity to that it’s your first time. It’s a big deal for some people.
    2. You should reconsider whether having sex with someone you’re not sure you can trust is a good idea.

  3. Personally, I don’t think you need to bring it up unless she brings it up either directly or inferentially. Having said that, I can see many situations where it may come up so you might be best be prepared to decide how you want to handle it, particularly as to why you didn’t volunteer the information up front in the first place.

    Virginity and the so-called ‘losing’ of it is a highly over-thought phenomenon. You can very easily not be a virgin and still be absolutely shit at sex for a whole load of reasons.

  4. You could just say something like “I don’t have very much sexual experience” and leave it at that. You don’t need to use the word virgin to let her know what to expect

  5. Do whatever you want, but think of every possibility that will outcome of the decision

  6. Being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of. If you don’t trust your friends with that detail of who you are… maybe they are not your friends.

    Of course, if you’ve lied about your virginity… that’s another issue all together.

  7. Yes, tell her. Being open and honest is important in any relationship. Also you give her a chance to better address your needs.

  8. My personal opinion is it’s not important for a man to tell a women that they’re a virgin. Ultimately it’s up to you though. Virginity is just not the same for men as it is women. Also a man can get away with saying it’s not their first time

  9. Whats wrong with beimg 21 and a virgin? I know people in their 30s who are virgin.

    Dont tell her unless it is official.

    Women talk and are mean. We are spiteful. She probably mock u when she is angry

  10. I did just that years ago and she was a virgin too which makes it that much more silly. But at that time I was lacking confidence and didn’t want to be known in college as the virgin and have that pressure too. It is what it is but I’d much rather not be a liar it wasn’t fair she totally trusted me. It’s ok to be a virgin at 21 it’s really noones business. I told her years later and i feel bad about that too. But ultimately your never gonna feel good about yourself in a relationship if it’s a lie that holds it up.

  11. I lost my virginity at 26 and told her, I have experience and I highly recommend keeping it to yourself

  12. My boyfriend was a virgin and didn’t tell me. When I found out months into the relationship it was just a quick and funny conversation. I don’t think it’s a big deal to keep it to yourself but if you end up dating it’ll probably come out eventually.

  13. If she’s ever had sex before there’s a good chance that she’ll know that your a virgin. But my advice is to just be honest. It might be hotter to let her show you how she wants you to please her.

  14. Communication is good. Don’t do unspeakable things. If you aren’t comfortable enough to speak, you might not be comfortable enough to enjoy the doing.

  15. There’s literally nothing shameful about being a virgin. If your friends think that then they are immature and dumb

    Just tell her. Lying isn’t gonna help you if you wanna date someone seriously

  16. Sure go ahead and tell her. Just know that she will end up telling her friends which will then let your whole friend group know

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