Hey everyone!

Update on my last post; https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/uhdo0d/update_about_my_23_suposed_break_with_my/

So she called me yesterday, saying she made up her mind explaining me that she doesn’t want this anymore.

She told me she ignored me for a week because the week before that she put me on a ‘test’ period. Because i suposedly didn’t give her enough attention and didn’t ask enough personal questions.

She said that i needed to work on myself, wich is partially true, but its not like i was a bad boyfriend by all means.

I met some wonderfull people because of my last post who helped me through everything. R/relationship_advice can sometimes be beautiful 😊

Anyways hope you all have a great day!

  1. A “test”? Like the rest said, you dodged a bullet. No one needs someone like that around. Get out and see the world, it’ll get better going forward.

  2. You will be so happy without her. That test she made was set up for failure. If you contacted her she would have said you were giving her too much attention and are too needy.

  3. Ya bro you dodged a massive bullet. She has no maturity and will slowly make you miserable.

  4. Why didn’t end this farce 2 updates again when people told you this would happen. I’m not gonna get on you man but at least it’s over but make sure you don’t leave a door open for her my guy.

  5. To preface this: you are *far* better off being single than in such a ridiculous situationship. However, it’s clear you haven’t let go and are still hung up on her.

    The “final” message you sent was honestly pretty cringey and came across an effort to both guilt her into taking back the break-up (especially the comment about her parents) while rubbing in her face how much she’s “needed” you in the past and how supportive you were to convince her she’s better off *with* you.

    Regardless of how true it was, I’m not at all surprised she responded the way she did. Let go, stop trying to dig your way out of this hole. The moment she started ghosting you, you should have had the confidence and self respect to bounce, not pursue her relentlessly. It sounds like the more unavailable someone is the more attracted you are.

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