
  1. Yes, and because we said so. Not like anyone else can do anything about it.

    Jokes aside, the concept of any one country being the “best” is pretty ridiculous, but we Americans have it unbelievably good compared to the vast majority of people on this planet. That’s simply a fact

  2. I think we are great, but the greatest is a hyperbolic metric that means nothing because most countries have something that makes them better than others in certain metrics. We have a better constitutional foundations that enshrine certain freedoms to our citizens than other countries do, but we’re also not as far ahead in certain statistics as other countries are.

  3. I think we’re alright flaws and all but my ego isn’t bold enough to proclaim that

  4. Of all the countries in the world the United States is typically listed at the bottom; it’s probably just alphabetical but we should still look for ways to improve our ranking.

  5. I think there needs to be a huge difference between, “I think America is the best because it’s my favorite country and it’s my home” and “America is the best because other countries suck and don’t have freedom derp derp.”

    I think America is the greatest because it’s my home country, but I’m willing to acknowledge that plenty of other countries do stuff better than we do and there are things we could learn.

  6. Greatest is really subjective and there’s a tight jumble at the top. It’s the best for me, if for no other reason than that all my people and my stuff are here, and that’s all I’m really concerned about. Others will come to other conclusions, as well they should.

  7. It’s not an objective question, so there is no objective answer.

    Greatest in terms of what?

  8. No country is the best…they all have things that range from great to terrible

  9. no, I don’t think there is a way to meaningfully define or quantify what the best country is

  10. Only when I’m hammered at a football game and there’s a flyover at the end of the national anthem. Other times it’s just fine.

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