Basically when everyone is talking even in a small group, my mind goes completely blank and I feel like an NPC. What do I do? Any advice is welcome!

  1. Try using the FORD method.






    Everyone has those. Start asking questions about them and get curious.

  2. It sounds like dissociation. For me I thought of it as giving all my attention to the conversations, the feelings of others, the underlying social relations going on, and worrying about how people were perceiving me. Unfortunately, we have no control over these things so all we can focus on is ourself. What helped me overcome this was therapy, meditation (it does not matter what type, all that matters is you do it consistently), exercise, and a book called Breath by James Nestor – it is unbelievable how powerful breathwork can be in treating the physiological side of anxiety. Last thing: go easy on yourself! Comparing yourself to an npc (while it’s funny) it is self-demeaning which is ok if it’s humour as a coping mechanism as long as you realize you’re a real human being who has agency, autonomy and personal power over what you do and how you see yourself, and who deserves a human level of respect.

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