What’s something you feel irrationally guilty about?

  1. Forgetting to hold or open a door for a lady

    I kick myself for days as it plays back in my mind, over and over again

  2. Not being in Ukraine, I don’t have combat training (not technically) so I’d likely be under foot but I feel so guilty seeing the news about it and not doing anything except donating to Red Cross Ukraine

  3. I feel bad when I don’t like something that someone else shows be because they thought I would like. Like a restaurant, song, movie etc.

  4. Nothing. I generally don’t feel guilty as a rule, and the few things that do prompt that feeling are completely rational.

    I’d argue irrational guilt is a sign you’re either mentally unbalanced or engaging in unhealthy behavior patterns.

  5. Not responding in time to people when they say hi or greet me. Bothers me for awhile afterwards.

  6. talking to my mom over the phone and when she asks me if i am doing okay like 3 times in a row .It usually gets pretty annoying but by the 3rd time i usually tell her in a loud voice I AM OKAY I AM OKAY . She turns quiet .Then we finish the talk over the phone . I feel like shit for raising my voice . So i call her back and apologize

  7. Standing up for myself and my interests; Im afraid of coming across as rude.

  8. **Guilty?** LMAO, dude. I grew up in the Catholic church. I’m guilted out.

  9. Handing in my notice at work soon don’t know why I feel guilty probably because everyone assumes I’m there for the long haul because my mum has worked there 40 years

  10. Being confident, feeling good about myself in any way.

    When I was growing up it was never allowed for me. I’m trying to change it now but there’s a whole inner transformation that needs to happen.

  11. Holding up the line at any store to ask the cashier any perfectly valid questions.

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