Truth is, I really wanna have friends. Real ones. When I try to talk to a person at school, something is stopping me from starting a conversation. What do I say to them? Will they like me? I just wait til they come up to me and start talking. Sometimes they talk to me without me saying anything. But I wanna talk to them without having anything holding me back. They call me their “friend”, but that makes me wonder, Do they really mean it? What does being a friend mean? I always think about this when someone calls me their friend. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Any advice?

  1. It means they consider you their friend, so I’d recommend getting to know them better to see how you feel.

  2. Think of it this way. People interact with you, because they want to interact with you.

    It is a sign of effort from their part, a sign of interest, which tells that they want to create a connection / they are bored and are looking for some kind of entertainment / they are trying to use you for their own needs. Most people are out there with good intentions just looking for a connection.

    But the opposite of this is also true. People don’t interact with you, because they don’t want to interact with you. Even if in your head you really want to reach out and connect with the other person, but if you don’t say anything, the other person will interpret the situation as you did not want to interact with them.

    And if you want to deepen the friendship, you need to see them in another place than where you see them usually. A class mate will stay a class mate, if you don’t see them outside of school, no matter how friendly they are when you are in class together. Same for work colleagues and all other relationships you can think of.

  3. You don’t have to talk to somebody every day to care about them and count them a friend. Sounds to me like they consider you a friend. Go talk to them; don’t be nervous to start the conversation. Based on this, you already know they do want to talk to you. You’re in a good spot.

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