What do you “require” before sex, as foreplay?

  1. There’s nothing I can “require” because sex acts aren’t something you can insist on, ‘cause consent, etc.

    But the main things for me are:

    * an intellectual connection, good banter, similar sense of humor, etc.
    * trust, comfort, a sense of safety
    * enthusiastic oral sex that lasts more than a couple of minutes

    If I don’t have these things with a person then I probably won’t want to have sex with them again.

  2. Seriously all my husband has to do is touch me with those strong veiny hands and I am ready to go. We have an amazingly awesome sex life with lots of foreplay, afterplay and intimacy. But just the way he touches me is all I need.

  3. Being turned on at least like a little bit is like the bare minimum but what I prefer is plenty of teasing, taunting, being threatened till I’m all wound up hefore we start

  4. A little bit of lube to get things started. Having kids changed my body a lot

  5. Going down on him is a must. I love it and it turns me on to see how much he enjoys it.

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