As women who grew up with male friend groups how do u make friends? I work in an office with all girls, and my social skill suck so bad I usually dont participate in celebrations or group events. In these type of settings I blank out, or feel like I’m trying too hard. I want to have more girl friends, but im afraid I’ll say something to hurt their feelings or like being too gentle. IDK why my idea of having gfs is so skewed but I would like to be better at talking to people.

  1. Making girl friends has always been harder for me than making guy friends. There weren’t any other girls my age in my family growing up so I was just used to talking to guys / having more boy-oriented hobbies and all that.

    However, I will say that though I definitely have more guy friends, I am incredibly close to the women in my life. I become more and more grateful for them every year.

    In my experience, there’s not really a trick, you just have to be open to it. It’s easy to get caught in the anxiety so it might be helpful to reconsider your mindset and try to remove gender as a “constraint” when building these relationships. Rather than think you have to behave differently because they’re a woman, remind yourself that they’re just people too. You can connect as people first.

    So I guess my advice is, don’t stress gender so much and be yourself. Don’t be afraid to participate in conversations and be open to other women’s kindness. There will definitely be people you just don’t click with but you’ll also find people who’ll like you for you and enjoy your authentic self. I know it can be overwhelming but it’s never as hard as I try to convince myself it is. Plus, there are some really awesome women out there and you don’t want to miss each other! Good luck! 🍀

  2. Having a hobby that a lot of women enjoy and participating in events that center around that hobby helps.

    I recently went to an art gallery and was waiting in line when a girl in front of me started the conversation and she ended up giving me advice for art school. We exchanged instagrams and she was an artist I was already following LOL and it was such a nice experience! It was my first time putting myself out there and now I really want to go to more art-related events!!

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