I have terrible issues reaching orgasm. It even extends to some issues getting hard. Now I have 0 issues getting hard and staying hard for my partner, but I can’t even watch porn and jack off because I lose interest quickly. I don’t lose interest really, it’s my dick that does. Then I fuck my girlfriend, and I have always gone for a long time, but now it’s 1+ hour sessions every time. I can’t have a normal quickie, and half the time I can’t even cum in that hour. I have to stop because I’m just too tired or I can tell I fucked my girlfriend too raw already. Plus it makes my girlfriend feel bad, like she’s not good enough or something when it’s totally my stupid bodies fault. For reference I’m on methadone, so I know that’s the issue, but is there any way to help this? I already can’t masturbate really so should be more sensitive.

1 comment
  1. I assume what you experiencing is because of the methadone. Any drug like that I assume is potent enough to cause weird stuff. I trust the issues will resolve once you are off of it.

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