what was something your father didn’t teach you, that you plan to teach your own children?

  1. That they’re loved unconditionally and that i’ll be proud of them no matter what.

  2. How to use tools without screaming “The board isn’t strait enough!”

    Yeah dad, how about you tell what we are doing instead of just handing me a board and yelling with no context.

  3. Hot to play instruments, music is amazing, and when you can create it yourself its even better

  4. Sex. My dad never gave me the birds and the bees and I totally intend to do that for my kids.

  5. * Dealing with your emotions and expressing them
    * Always being honest, regardless of how bad the situation is
    * Enjoying the moment and being spontaneous

  6. Investing. He taught me a lot of good things but never had much of a head for this. Oh, he taught me about retirement accounts, but not actual investing. My grandfather was big into investing, though, and I want to make sure my kids picks up those lessons and more.

  7. Showing emotions when sober, is ok.
    Showing more than anger and regret while drunk, is ok.

  8. How to survive in the wild. How to make a shelter, everything I know about animals, how to make fire, what plants are poisonous. I tend to be outdoor alot with my kids and teach them to love and respect the world they will live in

  9. How much parents do for their kids. As I have gotten older and had kids I have realized just how much they have done and do for me. It’s something they never flat out expressed or tried to tell me. I have called them out of the blue just to tell them thanks.

  10. How to be a partner in a relationship and sharing (or even having) feelings as a man.

    My father is great. He is funny, always provided for us, played with us often and is hardworking. The latter was one of the issue, I guess, but also made sure we were well financially. That said, he had a business and was working 12-15 hours 6 days a week. When home, he was mostly asleep or doing yardwork.

    Because of that, I did not see a lot of his relationship with my mom. I did not see a ‘partnerhsip’ in the relationship. But, the relationship wasn’t bad, per se. That mixed with the ‘typical man of his age’ did not let feelings show.

    I feel this now, as I am struggling with being a ‘partner’ in the relationship and talking about my feelings – or even letting myself feel them.

  11. Realizing that there’s a thin line between giving advice and mentally abusing, which you should be careful not to tear apart without even knowing… if that makes sense

  12. Not every woman you meet and date is worthy of your best. Choose your partner carefully.

    My dad taught me the right way to treat your gf or wife and how to be committed but forgot the part about choosing them wisely. There are always more fish in the sea.

  13. Father/Son fishing/hunting trips are more fun when the Father brings his son.

  14. It’s ok to not be ok, but no one should see you not be ok. I think a lot of his problems in life came from being seeing him not be ok.

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