What are your indoor hobbies?

  1. Interested to hear what kind of things you guys do. My SO is looking for something to do that isn’t video games, he plays PS5 a lot and I guess he’s just bored of only doing that in his free time. He’s recently got into kayaking and loves it so I think it’s made him realise there are other ways to have fun lol.
    I have a lot of hobbies but he’s not really interested in trying them (crochet, painting, playing instruments, learning languages). His only other hobby is Lego but he only likes the Star Wars sets and obviously that’s expensive to do all the time.
    He likes building stuff, films, everything LOTR. He is not really arty. When we were talking about it he did mention maybe he’d like to try building models. Any suggestions welcome!

  2. Has he considered reading? I didn’t read for a very long time but recently got back into it and it has been amazing. It was a little challenging to start again with all the distractions we have I this world. But once I got going I haven’t been able to put a book down, especially if I’m really interested in the story. If he is into LOTR those books might be an excellent place for him to start. People might say that reading isn’t “fun” but I strongly disagree. It feels amazing to escape into a good book and learn something.

  3. Wood working, photography, cooking and body building. I also really enjoy movies and film as well

  4. building computers, sharpening knives, photography, woodworking, cooking, lazing around with dogs/cats

  5. Music, guitar and violin. Cooking more involved meals with my wife. I’ve been setting up a dark room in my basement for film developing too, but that can be expensive to start.

  6. Go thrifting/antique’n with the wife and I buy random antique shit to restore to use. Desk fans, camera lenses, DE razors, few furniture pieces, etc. I just like making old shit new again and using them. Quality is so much better on a lot of things

  7. Tailoring/sewing my clothes, thinking/planning the future, cooking recipes in my air fryer, boxing, watching movies and shows, playing Stickman Archer on my phone, reading self-improvement books, YouTube, Reddit, and going down a bunch of rabbit holes of random subjects I came across on the internet.

  8. I paint, and play, Warhammer 40,000.

    Fair warning though, it’s not a cheap hobby… I’ve easily spent £2k+ in the last 2 years, on it.

  9. making food. i am the third best chef i know.

    we are actually planning a cookbook all about allergies and shit, with the general idea being that all the recipes are extremely easy to folks to mod to keep their allergies in mind. fodmap, celiac, citruses, you name it – we planned for it.

    bravure? liars soup and liars stew. inlaws are mortally allergic to seafood. sooo, we offer them the similar taste and texture profiles without it having any of their allergens.

    is it the same? ofc not, but all of our guests eat well. every single one of them, and the general tasteprofile is the same.

  10. Fishkeeping. I have aquascaped freshwater planted and saltwater coral tanks. They look great and are fairly low maintenance once they are established. My next project is going to be a 300+ gallon saltwater system – can’t wait!

  11. I picked up 3D sculpting as a hope to turn it into a career so I spend my days practicing that a lot. Blender is free and there’s a ton of tutorials. The way you describe him though sounds like this dude would get really into painting miniatures and statues. A 3D printer isn’t too expensive and can crank them out all day for cents on the dollar, and he could try it out on a cheap mini from the store for $5 and borrowing some of your paints.

  12. 3D printing, electronics (arduinos, raspberry pi, etc), cosplay, leatherworking, tiktok (making them, not just watching), photography, and blacksmithing (though that requires a garage or shop space which might not count as “indoors” for some).

  13. I make my own fishing lures with an airbrush, I paint anything and everything, I build things for camping season or just for around the house, I do indoor house plants now, and built nurseries for starting seeds indoors for spring 🙂

  14. thinking about some crazy stuff, like what if i would know magic, or thinking about possible relationship

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