A lot of guys in this sub complaining about not getting/having gf’s , being unattractive,not being approached by women and being lonely . When it comes to women guys you gotta put in all the work. First of all a woman in most cases won’t approach you first they don’t have the confidence to cause they fear rejection more than us men. They also believe it’s a man’s job to make an approach so the most they’ll do is give choosing signals (stare at you,smile at you ,play with their hair etc) . You as a man gotta be confident enough to make a serious approach. Second as a man you gotta work on your confidence and self esteem . If you think you’re unattractive well go work out ,if you think you’re creepy well try to be more social with people in general , talk to anyone an old lady on the street , a random vendor anyone. Confidence is the most important aspect in getting women along with self esteem . Third and a big one if you struggle with anxiety approach the only way to overcome it is through exposer therapy (actually doing it). Just don’t think about it too hard and be in the moment however it turns out is that . If it goes bad you’ll learn from it for another interaction, your brown will go into fight/flight mode cause it thinks you’re in danger but you’re not a rejection from one woman is not the end of the world . The language of the brain is behavior. Third getting women is a numbers game you gotta approach and talk to as much women as possible to meet the right one . You can never invest in one girl too early in a talking stage . Gotta talk to/date as much as you can . Women are fickle and will go ghost for the simplest things sometimes it ain’t even our faults. Don’t be in your head too much overthinking,doubting and belittling yourself . Gotta be positive towards yourself ,change your mindset and believe you’re an actual catch and watch how your eating lives will change for the better . If you need more help a personally recommend a YouTube channel called “Social Animal” which has really help me.💯💯

  1. I feel like men are never told this, but make friends with women. Form actual friendships, with no romantic intentions. I set up my guy friends with my single girl friends all the time, and a lot of my girl friends do the same for their male friends. Having women who are in your network, genuinely like and trust you, will help you meet more women. Plus, we’re more likely to trust a friend’s recommendation over a stranger on an app. That’s just my two cents.

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