Men over 30, what are some unpopular things you wish you knew earlier in life?

  1. Save up & invest. Some people say money comes and goes, but sometimes it doesn’t. Not trying to say money is everything, but it’ll definitely make you live better.

  2. Careers are, generally, a myth of the past. You can work the same job for thirty years if you want but pay increases will be few and far between.

    Millennials and later only get significant raises when they switch jobs.

  3. Masculinity serves no purpose in the long run. It’s generally unattractive and will just cause drama – reject anything you learned from teenage “buddies” and just live life how you want.

    Avoid masculinity speakers like the plague – they don’t know shit and just want to sell you crap.

  4. A little bit of consistent savings adds up like crazy over time. Take it easy on the porn. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to things you don’t want.

  5. Unpopular? A woman that doesn’t work, cook or clean is basically useless and going to stress you out. Aint no pussy worth that bullshit you are gonna have to deal with

  6. That if a woman did X with her old boyfriend and then tells you she doesn’t like to do that anymore, it’s because she was more attracted to him than she is to you.

  7. –your parents don’t know anywhere close to everything, and on some things they were dead wrong, like 180 degrees away from right.

    –“nice” is not sexually attractive. Women like “nice guys”, but you have to be good looking and sexually attractive before “nice” means anything.

    –women are just as sexually depraved as men are; in some cases even more so.

    –Everybody lies. Most people are lying to you.

    –Nobody gives a shit about you. If you want or need something, you’ll have to get or do it yourself.

  8. Taking times and people in your life for granted. And also, make a career out of what you love doing versus a money grab.

  9. I wish I could have recognized toxic people in my life more easily, and set better boundaries. I’m referring to my narcissistic mother, who I quit speaking to almost 4 months ago. Life is easier without her drama and bullshit

  10. Half the planet if female. If you express interest in a woman and she doesn’t express interest back, move on and don’t waste time worrying about it.

  11. That pretty much everyone suffers from imposter syndrome and we are all trying to just figure it out.

  12. When you get older, hair starts to grow out of your ears.

    Now go Google this for images.

  13. Most people you encounter don’t give a single fuck about you. Not including close immediate family and your SO almost 0 people you interact with daily or for the first time give a shit what happens to you no matter how bad it is.

  14. 1) Confidence is everything in a lot of situations. If you don’t already have it, develop it. It IS a skill you can learn.

    2) If you want to date a certain woman, listen to her and become her friend but show signs of interest. Unless in a relationship already, women are not out to friendzone you, you put yourself there by not showing your interest. They can’t read minds. However, if after 2-3 dates, there isn’t a spark, move on.

    3) You are your own best friend and your own worst enemy. No one can improve your life as much as you can, but no one can destroy it as much as you either.

    4) Life often takes you in unexpected directions. Don’t be afraid to make the leap.

  15. Don’t get married at all. Failing that- at the very least, don’t get married when you’re young.

  16. I wish I knew that my life was fine “as is”. There was no need to leave, explore, find myself and all that. I threw everything away only to find that what I truly want is what I once had. Maybe it needed to be done to convince myself, but I spent 20 years traveling in a circle.

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