I’m 27 , I have a partner of 2 years and I have about 2 good friends. One I talk to occasionally and one I talk to almost everyday. I’ve never had a large circle of friends. Even in school . My partners a bit younger than me and he came from a huge group of friends (Guys and girls) who all seem to connected and doing things regularly and were friends from school etc. I actually stopped having friends or trying to have friends about 2-3 years ago.After repeatedly getting screwed over by mates over a number of years (and I genuinely mean screwed over as in lost houses and had a car stolen over friends) I completely lost interest in friends as i began to see other people as a problem instead of a friendship. Most of the time I’m content with just being with my partner and our cats focusing on ourselves. But sometimes I see people going out having fun with their friends etc and wonder if I’m gonna regret turning into a hermit . Or why I’ve never been part of a large group of friends. Do you have a social life and if so how much do you care about it ?

  1. hum honestly im in same situation as you right now. I also see mostly my partner and sometimes some friends but very rarely. I too get the feeling of missing out sometimes when I go on social media. The thing is, everyone is different and I just realized being alone makes me happier than going out. Maybe the fact that I have a low social battery doesnt help but I would always rather spend the night with my gf than go out. My point is, nothing is wrong about this lifestyle if you are happy man, people you see on social media are not as happy as they look like most of the time.

  2. >I’m 27 , I have a partner of 2 years and I have about 2 good friends. One I talk to occasionally and one I talk to almost everyday.

    That honestly sounds pretty social to me as I don’t have any of the above.

    I think I’d fall into the hermit category at this point in my life, I’m 25. But honestly, I’m okay with it. I tried to make friends earlier this year and it was not a good experience. I got made fun of a lot and it just made me lose interest. I guess it also showed me that I do have the choice of allowing certain people into my life or not. But I’m learning as I go.

    I stopped looking at social media for a while. It made me not appreciate my own life and less comparing. People will only show you the side they want you to see. You will rarely see someone’s low in there or someone’s true personality. So it’s not real as reality is neither perfect or just happy.

    I’ve been taking a lot of time trying to get to know myself, the person I’ve been neglecting over the years trying to fit in with others

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