For example, I’ve always heard that drinking Mountain Dew make your wee wee smaller :X

  1. Marilyn Manson had is lower ribs removed to he could suck his own dick.

    Somehow, EVERY middle school *knew* this to be true pre-internet

  2. Has to be the age old childhood rumor that swallowing bubblegum would take 7yrs to digest it. Cant even tell you how many times I heard that.

    Ahh being a kid was so much fun lol.

  3. Mew under the truck. Some kids dad knew Zezima IRL. Yellow 5 makes your dick smaller. Bloody Mary.

  4. There were strangers driving around wanting to offer us candy to lure us into their white panel van, and there were razors and poison in Halloween candy.

  5. Farrah Fawcett admitted she was a lesbian on The Today Show

    Ken “Eddie Haskell” Osmond grew up to be John Holmes

    Rock Hudson and Jim Nabors were married

    Rod Stewart had to have his stomach pumped because it was full of semen

    Later on as an adult….

    Richard Gere and the gerbil

    Paul from The Wonder Years became Marilyn Manson

  6. If you pee in a swimming pool, a red dye will be activated around you in the water.

  7. That the hoverboards from Back to the Future 2 were real and not special effects, they had been developed as a toy but pressure from parents groups concerned about safety got them banned before they could be sold.

  8. There was a cabal of devil worshipers who go around town finding people’s black cats to kidnap, torture, and then ritualistically sacrifice. They would go look in your yard for your cat. These people were not delinquent teenagers but actual grown adults who were part of some sort of cult.

  9. That Lady Gaga was trans. I remember in the 8th grade I said I thought she looked kinda hot in the Just Dance music video and I got flamed for it

  10. Circa 1979, Mikey from the Life cereal commercial supposedly died from eating Pop Rocks candy and drinking soda.

    Circa 1993, there was a rumor that Les Claypool of Primus had died. So when Kurt Cobain died in 1994, I didn’t believe it at first.

  11. That caffeine stunts your growth. I regularly drank coffee from when I was like 12 until I was 20 and I’m taller than either of my parents

  12. Coffee stunts your growth. As someone that needed every inch I could get, I didn’t touch it until college.

  13. I remember there being in this urban legend in elementary school that if you brought a gallon milk jug filled with soda pop tabs to the recycling center it would be worth a bunch of money. I collected a few dozen before my mom called and, of course, found out it wasn’t true.

  14. My parents told me when we were out eating that every restaurant had a big dog named Charlie in the back that fed entirely on bad behaving kids, so my sister and I were always on good behavior in public

  15. If your roommate in university dies, you automatically get straight As for the semester.

  16. My mom always told me carrots would help me see in the dark. Carrots are rich with Vitamin A, which helps improve eyesight, but I’m still waiting on my super awesome night vision.

  17. Sewer alligators. Which is stupid looking back because I’ve lived in the Houston area my whole life. If I really wanted to see a gator I could just go outside.

  18. Turning on car inside lights while driving the car at night was illegal, so we kids better not start bickering otherwise mom would have to turn on the lights and we’d all get in trouble

  19. Let’s see:

    -“There are Postage Stamps laced with LSD.” (this was when you licked them to use them. A teacher actually told us this in class, once.)

    -“Pop Rocks and Soda will kill you, and actually killed the kid who played “Mikey” in that cereal commercial.”

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