It’s our first anniversary today and I bought the card last night and wrote it today I also bought some flowers last night as well. She’s upset cause she says I bought the card too late and wrote it too late because it wasn’t ready for her in the morning. I’ve tried to give her the card and she won’t even open it because apparently in her words “it’s lost it’s meaning now”.

Yes it was late but it’s not like I forgot or anything she just didn’t get it as soon as I opened my eyes but I still went and got her one I think that’s more important than anything, but maybe I’m wrong? Some guys don’t even remember anniversary altogether

TL;DR! I messed up by buying an anniversary card late

  1. Did she clearly tell you beforehand that she wanted to exchange anniversary gifts first thing in the morning?

  2. You put in minimal effort, and your girlfriend didn’t appreciate it. Tell her, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was important to you that your anniversary gift be ready when you opened your eyes, I’ll do that next year.” And next year, have the card ready when she opens her eyes.

    Don’t worry about “some guys” do or don’t do. Those guys aren’t dating your girlfriend.

    Now, some may say that she should have appreciated what you did, and her response was immature. You need to gauge that in the context of your relationship. Is she generally reasonable, or does it seem like you never do anything right? Do anniversaries mean a lot to her? Has she been taken for granted in previous relationships, and so is sensitive to that? Does she put in a lot of effort in your relationship, and so felt hurt when it was your turn and the effort wasn’t there? Those would be some of the questions I’d ask myself in order to understand why she responded the way she did.

  3. How many times did she have to bring it up over the last few weeks to remind you when the anniversary was?

  4. “Well, other girlfriends don’t give their bfs sex at all, so you should be happy with once a week.” See what I did there?

    Ok, this is another one of those different brain sorta things. It’s extremely important to most women to feel special, particularly for things like birthdays and anniversaries.

    You do not feel special when it’s clear that he put minimal effort into whatever he did.

    Woman’s brain: “he’s known about my birthday for a long time. Why did he wait until the last minute to get the card? I must not be a priority to him”

    Man: “whew, I remembered to get the card”

    Also, do not try to argue that since other guys do nothing, she should be happy with the bare minimum. There are also a lot of guys who go above and beyond to make their gfs feel special. Maybe you should step it up.

  5. What did she give you on your anniversary?

    Also, did she actually communicate that she wanted something from you as soon as she woke up? I’m going to take a gander and say no.

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