I got to thinking the other day about the past. This girl I was seeing at the time asked me to try for her because it would make her happy and she found it hot. I wasn’t super comfortable with it being a young guy in college, but as time has gone on I’ve become more open minded. I’m comfortable with my sexuality to try it now and it’s come up again with a bisexual girl from Tinder I’ve been having fun with. Just wanted some perspectives, specifically women’s.

  1. I’m a Domme and I love feminizing guys and putting them in panties, lingerie, etc. so it might be a D/s kink type of thing. If you’re feeling more comfortable with it, go for it!

  2. I (23F) think it would be hot!! It doesn’t have to be over the top, but maybe some lace or knee highs would be so good 🥵

    if you’re not sure about it, maybe you could get a really cheap pair and just try it on your own? Like wear it around at home (with or without pants) while you do other things to see how you feel about it 🤔 and if u feel too uncomfy, you can just get rid of it and never do it again! No one would know except for yourself. But it will probably feel uncomfortable and awkward the first few times since it’s something new and not so “conventional” 🤷‍♀️

  3. It’s doesn’t turn me on personally and would in fact be a turn off but whatever works for you and your partner.

  4. Sounds like fun. I’ll down for anything once. If your both good with it, I see nothing to be concerned about.

  5. If you’re both into it then have fun. Make sure to have a detailed conversation about expectations though. Is this just a visual thing or is she into degradation? You might be up for wearing panties but you might not want to be degraded. You should also talk about privacy too. Not everyone has common sense enough to understand that this might not be something you want advertised.

  6. Do it !!! I find it very sexy to see men in women’s underwear and I often hear men say they are more comfortable!

    You have nothing to lose, possibly a new kink to gain 😏

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