Do you greet everyone when you see them at work? What do you say?

  1. Yes, when I worked in an office, if I had a face-to-face encounter, everyone gets at least a smile or head nod, usually a “good morning” or “hi there”

  2. A simple “good morning” usually sufficed when I worked in an office every day.

  3. Yes, I say “good morning”, or “thanks for dinner” or “go to bed” or “how long until we can leave”

  4. I say “good morning” regardless of what time of day it is. It’s become a regular routine with one coworker that they’ll fake glare at me and respond “good *afternoon*.”

  5. “Hey good morning!”
    “Hey how are ya!”
    “How’s it going!”

    All totally normal greetings in my office

  6. Head nods only if i regularly speak to them. If it’s someone who bothers me at my desk regularly, I’ll give them a “how’s it goin’?” Without slowing down

  7. “Hi, how’s it going? Good, good.” Before they respond because I don’t care what their response is.

    If it’s Friday then remark about the weekend. If it’s hot remark about it being a scorcher out. If it’s raining, that. Etc etc etc

  8. No, and I hate when people greet me and expect me to say something back. I abhor small talk, LOL.

  9. Since I work at a grocery store, I have to. Yes it is very annoying

    At the most I’ll say ‘how it’s going?’ I just want them to say fine and then shut up but sometimes they give me their life story.

  10. Been WFH since COVID but before that I was in an office with four other people, and yes, I would greet them upon arrival.

    Generally good morning, perhaps followed by casual discussion regarding our trips to work, weather, evenings, etc.

  11. I live 600 miles away from our office so when I’m there, I spend the first 2 hours catching up with everyone.

  12. When I was teaching, a “how’s it going?” was commonly used. 90% of the answers were, “I’m hanging in there.” 😅

  13. Yeah, usually something small like ‘mornin and a little bit of small talk.

    Just a courtesy thing.

  14. I say good morning when we get in. If it’s a Monday we’ll ask each other how our weekends were. That’s pretty much it.

  15. Yes. I say “hi” or “good morning”

    if it’s one of my good coworkers I’ll say “how’s today going” or something idk

  16. I grett most people, except the one guy that takes any conversation as an excuse to yammer back at me non stop. Eff that guy

  17. Some guys get a “hey” or “good morning” but the others get a “shit you’re here?” It’s all in good fun but I work a labor job.

  18. I say hi to most of my coworkers and bosses when I have office days. Usually just a good morning and how are you? I have a few coworkers I have a little more in depth conversation with. I’ll also ask about events I know are going on in your life. How’s the new baby? How was your trip? Did you do anything fun for your birthday? I heard your son graduated how was it and what’s he doing next? Stuff like that.

    It’s just politeness and knowing a little bit about your coworkers and their lives just builds a better working relationship.

  19. Mornin. I never greet anyone with good because I never know if they’re having a good morning or not.

  20. As a crew supervisor, of fucking course! That’s part of my job. I need to acknowledge them, remember them, and make sure they get assigned to the right crew. Which means there is like 300+ names from my work floating around in my head.

  21. People might make small talk in the morning when they’re getting coffee. There’s a phrase “talk around the water cooler” which is current events one might make small talk about when filling up their water cup/ or coffee/ dropping off their lunch etc. – typically things that happened over the weekend, the football game, something crazy in the news, a popular TV episode, etc. But if you’re just passing them in the hall, it’s just a “hi, how are ya.” “good thanks, you?” or “good morning.” If you stop and chit chat with everyone you pass you’ll get in trouble for not working. If you walk by someone without acknowledging them, even if it’s a head nod, small smile, you would be seen as rude/ unfriendly. Unfortunately this is part of toxic office culture as these things can come up on your reviews. Being part of the team and culture is important.

  22. I work at an elementary school. I usually say “good morning” to everyone I pass by, occasionally if it’s a coworker I’m closer to, I’ll ask how their weekend was or engage in conversation. I’ve gotten better at small talk as I’ve worked more jobs.

  23. I work in a small gift shop at the local zoo, and I am *supposed* to greet every guest. But sometimes it’s just not realistic. I try to do it at least most of the time, and certainly whenever someone comes to my register.

    I usually say, “Good morning!” (if it’s before noon), or simply, “Hello!”

    Whether I say more or start a conversation depends on how busy the store is, if the person looks rushed, if they look confused or hesitant, if I have particular information to impart, their general vibe…

  24. My morning greeting when I get to my office (I work in an open space with anywhere from 2-5 others present when I get there) is “Good morning, friends.” Anyone who walks through my space after that usually gets a “Hey so-and-so, how are you?”

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